companion bot

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"Y/n just promise me you'll give it a chance" Jessie, my therapist said.
"I didn't want it in the first place and your asking me to give it a chance, really I'm fine living on my own, I don't need anything" I said.
"I know y/n but give it a try you might like it, I have to go, another client just came, call of you have any troubles" she said hanging up before I got the chance to complain more.
I looked at the huge box that had my address on it along with a big CBC sticker on all the other sides. I sighed and grabbed my box cutter and cut into it, technically my therapist didn't want me around sharp objects but I didn't care, I wasn't going to hurt myself, even if I wanted to, I couldn't, not again. I opened the box and was a bit startled by how big life like the companion robot was.
A couple of weeks ago Jessie suggested getting out, and that my insurance would pay fully for it. I didn't want one, but after my panic attack in the middle of a food cort she forced one on me.
The thing in the box had curly brown hair and the skin looked so real, it kinda crept me out how life like the thing look. It took on a male appearance, and was built, they put some much character into the thing it even had a small belly. Not really noticeable but I lifted up the shirt while it was still off.
I felt weird doing it, but figured it was easier doing it now then when it was awake and functional. I got curious, how far did they take the realism? I took a deep breath a pulled down the things sweatpants and boxers.
"Whoa! Yep he's male alright" I said to myself pulling the pants back up feeling like I violated him.
I took out the instruction booklet looking at the first page.
So you got your Companion Buddy™ now what?
Well let's turn it on, your Companion Buddy™ should come fully charged and ready to help you!
Turn it on by pressing the palm of your hand to your Companion Buddy's™ chest until you hear a small ping, there's a small sensor in there that will activate once you do this!
I put down the booklet and pressed the palm of my hand down onto it's chest for a couple of seconds until a small ding I took my hand off of him when he sat up, opening his eyes and blinking a couple times he looked at me.
"Y/n?" He asked.
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"My creators programmed me with anything they could about you" He said.
"What else do you know?" I asked standing up off the floor.
"Your 22, you currently work at a night club as a bartender, Your current therapist is Jessie Weldon, you have Anxiety mostly about social situations and depression, currently this all I know about you" he said.
"Great... What's your name?" I asked.
"They called me Tyler"
"My creators" he responded.
"Great..." I mumbled "so... What do you do?"
"Main function is to help you" he said "I can help do simple things like clean and cook, or I can be here for emotional support, think of me at a friend" he smiled.
"A friend with out emotions" I mumbled.
"Are emotions important to you?" He asked.
"What if they are? Would you fail at your job?" I asked hoping I would find a look hole and get ride of this thing.
"...are emotions important to you?" Tyler asked again.
".... Yes they are" I said.
"Downloading emotions 1 out of 100 please wait" he said before freezing.
"Wait wait! Don't do that!!!" I said panicking robots having emotions was never a good idea.
I skimmed through the book trying to find out how to turn Tyler off.
"Done" he said and sighed looked at Tyler.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"Emotions are important to you... Aren't they?" He asked, sounding a bit more human, his voice sounded human before but now it sound more life like "you said they were" he said.
"... I guess" I mumbled.
"Are you not happy with me?" He asked.
"No everything's fine Tyler, you know what, I'm going to sleep" I said.
"Its noon" Tyler said.
"I work from midnight and five remember?" I asked.
"That was not in my programing, I will put it in" he said following me, I stopped him.
"No, your not allowed in my room, unless I'm in danger or something got it?" I asked.
"I will put that in my reminders" he said.
"...great" I said shutting the door and laying down on my bed.
"Show I wake you before work?" He asked.
"It I'm not up by 11:30 yes" I said.
"I'll put that in my alarms" he said before going quiet for a moment "I wish you sweet dreams y/n" Tyler said.
I closed my eyes, hopefully I wouldn't have to keep him.

//should I write another part to this?

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