Even Now (Ftm!Reader)

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I am back, and with a ftm reader one to make myself feel better because dysphoria is kicking my ass... 🙇 hope you guys like it, request if you have anything you want. Sorry it took a bit to get back.

(Tyler POV)

I hadn't seen y/n all day, but yesterday he was acting really strange, and seemed upset most of the day he helped me. Y/n usually helped me set up for streams but today he hadn't.

After I got done streaming I quickly went to check on y/n in his room. Before I even got to the door I heard soft sobs, my heart broke a bit to think he had been in his room all day crying. I walked up to the door and knocked softly.

"Y/n?" I said in a soft tone.

More sniffles before "one... One second Ty" his voice came through the door.

I waited and eventually was called in, I opened the door to see y/n drying his face probably to hide the fact he was crying. I frowned and walked over to him wrapping my arm completely around the smaller boy.

"Y/n... What's wrong?" I said softly.

"I...." He started crying again, his sobs slightly making his body shake "dys... I just don't feel good about my body" he finally got out.

Oh... I knew what was happening, Dysphoria, I believe they call it, I learned a lot about being trans as soon as y/n came out so I could understand a bit. But of course on a personal level I couldn't, but I could still try to help.

Carefully I got into bed with y/n and laid down opening my arms to offer a cuddle. He quickly threw himself into my chest crying.

"Hey... Shhh hey..." I said softly petting his head "listen to me okay?" I started "I love you so much, and I want what's best for you, and I also want you to understand that even though I could never understand what you're going through, I do understand one thing, and always will..." I paused a moment "and that's that you are who you say you are, you are a man, and always have been, even when you didn't have the words or courage to express that you were" I paused trying to think of what to say "you know, one day you're going to be comfortable and happy in your body, and when that day comes I'm going to celebrate with you... Okay? And until then, I'll be here every step of the way, through every struggle I'll be here" I said softly.

Y/n was still crying and I held him until he stopped, when he did he looked up at my from my chest.

"Its going to be a hard road but worth it with you around" he said softly.

//I'm going to try to update everyone of my fics once a week, what imagine book should I make first (along side of this one) captainsparklez x reader, Markiplier x reader (his egos included), Jacksepticeye x reader (his egos included), or you guys suggest one, can be anyone unless I don't know them.

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