I hate you~

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Tyler didn't exactly know why he disliked y/n so much, but something about them just pushed him the wrong way. No one else had a problem with y/n Mark, Ethan, Amy and Kathryn all loved them, but Tyler just got annoyed by their presence.
"Ethan!" Y/n called wrapping their arms around the other boys waist, they had apparently met in high school, and Ethan seemed happy to have them back, and Tyler played nice.
Y/n's eyes skimmed around the room their smile dropping once their eyes fell upon Tyler. Y/n knee Tyler didn't like them, it was easy to tell, the slight annoyed look he always had when they were around, a bit of a hostile attitude around him.
To day it was only Ethan, Mark and Tyler along with y/n.
"Ethan come out I need you to film some thing for me if your not to busy" Mark said from the door.
"Um need me to?" Y/n asked hopefully, they didn't want to be stuck with someone who didn't want to be around them.
"No, you stay up here keep Tyler company" Mark smiled.
Y/n heart sank and they looked helplessly at Ethan as he left.
Tyler fought awkwardly shifting his his seat taking out his phone and ignoring y/n.
"So quite a rain storm we had last night huh?" Y/n asked in attempt to make it a little lass awkward Tyler only hummed "were you able to sleep fine? I know the thunder kept me up" only another hummed response.
Y/n crossed their arms this was only pissing them off, because they were trying and Tyler was just ignoring them. Y/n pushed away the nice attitude they always had and stomped over to him taking his phone.
"What the fuck?!" Tyler swore at y/n was was glaring daggers down at him.
"What the hell did I ever do to you?!" Y/n asked.
"What?" He asked.
"Don't what! You know what I'm talking about all you ever do is give me annoyed looks or ignore me, you treat me like I killed your dog or something! So for fuck sake Tyler what the hell did i do?!" They shouted.
There was no answer from Tyler he just sat there shocked, the normal nice, calm and collected y/n had just raised their voice and yelled at them.
"No fucking answer huh?! Well fuck you Tyler! I never did anything to you! And your such an asshole! If you have a problem with me jus-" y/n was cut off but Tyler's lips on theirs, they hadn't even noticed him stand up while he was yelling.
Y/n melted into the kiss, still mad but a little less. Tyler pulled back looking at y/n.
"What the hell was that for?" Y/n growled.
"I hate you" Tyler said "I don't know why but every fiber of my being hates you, but every fiber of my being is also utterly attracted to you"
Y/n didn't know what to say to that, it was a lot to take in, after all Tyler was saying two things that didn't exactly go together.
"Fuck you Tyler" y/n said glaring at him.
"Is that an invitation?" He smirked getting closer to y/n the door down stairs shut "ask Ethan to stay the night at out place" Tyler quickly said before pulling away taking his phone from me and sitting down. Y/n went back to where they were and took out their phone.
"Wow life of the party you two" Mark said.
Ethan chuckled and went back over as y/n watched him edit. They did ask right away they still were deciding if they wanted to.
"Eth?" Y/n said catching both Ethan and Tyler attention.
"Yeah?" Ethan said.
"Can I stay over tonight? We can watch a movie and play video games and stuff like back in high school" y/n said.
"Of course" Ethan smiled.
Tyler couldn't help but smirk a bit as he went back to being on his phone. Tonight was going to be fun.

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