Some Space

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I was hanging out with Amy and Kathryn at the office, I had came with Tyler like usual but they were doing something else and me and the girls were downstairs. We started to walk up when I stopped them because I heard Mark say my name.

"What the trouble about y/n?" Mark asked, trouble, what trouble could I cause?

"It just..." Tyler sighed "I don't know Y/n a little clingy" he said.

"Whats the problem with that?" Ethan asked.

"I mean nothing, but I mean I feel suffocated, I feel like I never get any alone time, I honestly don't know how to tell them to leave me alone for a bit with out hurting their feelings" Tyler said.

I felt my heart shatter, it hurt. There my boyfriend was saying all the things I feared, that I was to clingy, annoying, that I suffocated him. I let out a shaky breath and walked past Amy and Kathryn. I got outside putting my hand over my mouth trying not to cry. Amy walked out and put a hand on my shoulder.

"y/n?" she said.

"I'm just being over sensitive.... tell Tyler I went home" I said "Don't tell him we heard him" I said.

"Okay... if you need me just call" She said softly.

I walked home, remembering that I left my backpack there, but the only thing that was in it was my notebook and some books that I would read when I didn't have to do anything. I wiped tears from my eyes, If it was space he wanted, it was space he would get, I didn't want me ruining out relationship.

I sat at home in my pj's watching a movie. There was a knock on my door and I paused the movie going the answer it. Ethan was standing there with my backpack, he smiled at me.

"Hey y/n, I was the last on at the office and noticed you left you bag so I thought I would bring it to you" he smiled softly handing it to me.

"Thank Eth" I smiled taking it from him.

"Were you crying?" he asked "your eyes are all red" he added.

"Oh... uh yeah... just a sad movie" I lied.

Ethan stared at me for a bit "Okay...." he didn't seem like he believed me "Will we see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Y-" I cut myself off "Um no, no I'm going to go hang with Shane tomorrow" I smiled.

"Oh okay" Ethan said "It will be weird not having you around tomorrow" he added.

"Yeah Shane wants to film a video and hang out, I think Drew and Garret will be there to" I said with a nod.

"Oh well, Have fun" Ethan smiled, he turned to leave but quickly turned back around hugging me "Maybe turn on something a bit happier" he said.

I smiled and hugged him back, he left leaving me alone again. I texted Shane asking if he still wanted to film a video and if tomorrow would work. He said yeah and I smiled, at least I wouldn't be completely alone.

For the next month or so I hung out with Shane, or Gabby, at one point Felix came down and I spent some time with him while he was around. I barley saw Tyler beside on our date nights or when he would come over for couple minutes, some time I'd see him when I went to film a video with Ethan, otherwise we would text and he would call me but other then that I gave him the space he wanted.

I was hanging out with Drew, Shane, and Garret.

"Why aren't you spending as much time with that new boy toy of yours?" Drew asked "I mean you use to spend all your time with him"

"Oh, I'm giving him some space" I said.

"What did he do?" Shane asked.

"Nothing, I was.... I over heard him talking to Mark and Ethan, he said I was being clingy and suffocating him" I said looking down.

"What a jerk" Garret said.

"I mean he wasn't wrong.... Anyway, I'm fine, I love hanging out with you guys" I smiled.

"That's the only good thing about it" Drew smiled nudging me.

+ Tyler's Pov +

I bounced my legs up and down as I sat on the office couch, watching my phone, y/n hadn't been spending as much time with me as usual, we still spent time together, we had our date nights on Friday, but other then a that she was spending time with other youtubers and friends.

"Tyler you okay?" Mark asked looking form the computer to me.

"Yeah... just I haven't been seeing y/n as much" I said.

"Wouldn't you like that?" Ethan asked still looking at his computer.

"I thought I would but... well I miss them around" I said biting my lip.

"Maybe you should of thought of that before you went and told Ethan and Mark you were sick of Y/n being around all them" Amy said making me look at her.

"Amy..." Kathryn said in a slight scolding tone.

"Did you tell her?" I asked looking at Mark.

"No I didn't say anything" Mark shook his head.

"Amy, y/n, and me over heard you saying that stuff to Mark and Ethan, the day that they left early" Kathryn explained.

"Fuck y/n heard that?" I asked running my hands through my hair shaking my head "I was just letting off steam, and yeah I wanted space but.... i guess I just got use to y/n being around" I mumbled. 

I knew where Shane lived and that y/n was hanging out with him, I quickly got up and went to my car getting in it not even telling them where I was going. I cursed to myself, I wanted y/n to be clingy, maybe I needed it in some way, I liked having them around all the time, I was just to stupid to see it. I hit the steering wheel. I parked by Shane's drive way and got out knocking on the door. 

"Probably the pizza guy!" I heard a male voice say, I took a deep breath waiting for someone to answer the door. 

"Nah, we'll watch some vloggers and forget about your boyfriend troubles" Another voice said.

I huffed a bit and the door open "You should leave him if he do- Tyler hi" Shane said looking at me nervously. 

"Y/n?!" I called pushed my way in.

"Yeah sure come in" Shane mumbled.

I walked into the living room seeing to other men that I hadn't met before y/n got up from sitting between them.

"Tyler what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you over heard me talking to Mark and Ethan?" I asked.

Y/n paused for a bit looking at me"Because I didn't think It mattered"

"Well it does because I was stupid to say that shit, and blind and I realized I love that you're around me all the time" I said "I love that your clingy, and you gave me enough space I was just stupid and stressed and I don't know how to say how sorry I am I made you feel like crap for just being you" I finished.

"Tyler..." they started looking at the three boys who seemed to be watching closely, was this it? was I going to lose them? "You were right, I should probably spend more time with friends, and we should have a bit more space" y/n said with a small smile he pulled me in for a kiss, they pulled back petting my curls, I craved their touch "but if you want me to, I can go back to going to work with you, and spending a lot of time with you, but I may end up leaving sometimes to hang with friends more often" 

"That fine" I smiled.

"Um not that I don't love romance but this is girls night out Tyler get the fuck out of my house" Shane said in a sassy girl voice.

"You heard the man" y/n smiled "I'll see you tomorrow" they smiled kissing me.

I left the house a bit happier, I would get y/n back in my life, and sometimes have a bit of alone time to myself, I couldn't ask for a better relationship.

//@cynthia_guevarra8 requested this :)

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