Dog Bite

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× Tyler's pov×

A pain shot through my arm as the wild dog bit into it, with out hesitating I stabbed its neck repeatedly until it died on top of me. I panted pushing the dog off me and looking at the bit marks. I looked at the dog and frowned.
"Dumb mut... I don't blame you, must of been hungry" I said softly putting my knife back in my pocket I grab the gun I had dropped and started walking.
I wrapped my bandana around it slowing the bleeding.
I would need stitches, but had nothing to give myself those. And I was miles away from any city to even start looking.
I sat down weakly against the tree, it was a dangerous thing to rest in the middle of no where now a days, you could get attacked or eaten, or both. But after awhile of walking, I couldn't go on much longer. I was to week from blood loss and needed sleep.
"This is how die" I mumbled.
Without meaning to I fell asleep. I woke up to the noise of soft talking and walking around.
I looked up to see the moon and slowly got up slowly, leaning myself against the tree. A arrow flew into the tree next to my head.
"Don't shoot" I said to whoever shot at me hoping my voice would calm them.
I pulled out the arrow and two people came out of the dark.
"Who you?" The one holding the bow said.
"I just passed out I'll leave" I said.
"What's happened to your arm?" They asked.
"Wild dog bit it..." I said.
They put down their bow watching me closely not sure if they could trust me.
"Lets just leave this guy alone y/n" the guy next to them said.
"Show me the bite" y/n said walking closer to me.
I did as they asked and unwrapped my arm. I hissed as the fabric was a bit stuck. Y/n took out a flashlight holding it up and looking at the my arm.
They seemed to be thinking "a dog?" They asked.
I nodded "yeah, I managed to find some food and it came out of nowhere" I said.
"The dog still out there?" The guy asked.
"Not alive..." I said.
Y/n nodded and turned off the light looking me in the eyes, like they were looking for something.
"Come back to our camp, I'll stitch you back up" y/n said.
"What?! That could be a zombie bite" the man said.
"Lonnie most zombies don't just bite they take a chunk of skin with them" y/n said.
Y/n had a point, we were their food, just the way it was now.
"Common" y/n said.
I follow Lonnie and y/n back to a cabin that was in the middle of the forest, no light besides a candle that was lit eliminating the small cabin. Two people were talking their voices, I felt like I heard them before.
"We're back, he brought trouble" Lonnie said glaring at me.
The black haired male looked at me, Mark? A more tired bloodied, scratched up Mark, but that was Mark.
"Tyler?" He asked standing up quickly walking over he backed up a bit seeing my bite.
"Dog bite, Mark... That's all" I promised.
Mark nodded and y/n came from a back room with some fishing line, a needle and some rubbing alcohol. I was surpised they had rubbing alcohol, maybe they didn't have many accidents, so they didn't use it often.
"Not gonna lie this is gonna fucking hurt" y/n said.
"Better to hurt then lose a hand" I said.
Y/n let out a stale laugh and used a rage to clean my cut up pouring some rubbing alcohol on it before starting to stitch me up. I couldn't help but hiss, and grit my teeth together.
"Tyler I..." Mark said.
"Don't say anything... You did what you needed to..." Tyler said.
He looked up to see a silent Wade, he seemed to have aged dramatically due to the apocalypse, but maybe we all had, I just noticed it was him.
"Wasn't worth it... Dead..." Mark said "I was to late" he mumbled.
"I think for an outbreak like this everyone was unprepared Markimoo" y/n said "don't beat yourself up to much, we all have people we wished we could of saved.
Y/n tied the end of the line and looked up at me smiling softly.
"I'm sorry Mark" I said "about your family"
Mark nodded "we all did what we had to do... Ethan?" He said looking around.
"He... Some bandits raided are camp and while fighting them he went down" i said looking down.
Mark shook his head, none of them cried though, I didn't, I couldn't even cry anymore, I was to use to the death, we all were.
We all talked a bit, and Mark ended up telling me to stay with them, no one seemed to care so I figured I would. I stayed up with y/n while the others rested.
"Why did you trust me?" I asked.
"I figured not a lot of people lie, when they have a zombie bite their more panicked about it, they try to cut it off, or cut it out" they said.
"Oh..." I said.
"And you were cute" y/n said with a soft laugh.
I felt my cheeks heat up, weird, it had been awhile since someone flirted with me.
Y/n laugh broke me from thought.
"Don't think to much into the comment, the apocalypse is no place for romance" y/n said.
I nodded "right... The death and all would put a damper on our first date" I joked.
Y/n laughed "not to mention, it may get crashed by a hoard of zombies"
"Thanks for saving me" I said after a small pause.
"I'm sure you'll have the chance to return the favor" y/n smiled.

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