Companion Bot 2

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It had been a week since I had Tyler, he was a bit of help, and since nothing was going wrong I couldn't get rid of him. I hadn't touch the book about him so since the first day though Jessie suggested that I read it, in case something happens. Not sure what meant by that, did the not malfunction sometimes?
I didn't talk to Tyler much though, only asked him to do stuff with a small 'please' and then a 'thank you' after. He tried to start conversations withe the first few days I had him but I never put in much effort to talk back to him.
I looked at the manual that came with him it was sitting on my bedside table. Getting curious I opened it up.
So you turned you Companion Boton! Great, you can ask it to do anything you want and we mean anything! In further chapter past this introduction, you will learn the ins and outs of your Companion Bot™. Have fun and be safe with your Companion Bot™!
I flipped through the table of contents and found 'warnings' were on chapter 3, page 394. How did they make such a big book on this thing?
I'm sure, like anyone would, you want to know what the danger's can occur when owning one of our Companion Bots™. Well some not many of our Companion Botshave malfunctioned but some have, if this occurs with your Companion Bot™ please contact us, and we will pick it up and deliver a new one for free, plus fix/pay for any damages, or medical bills that may occur if your Companion Bot™ malfunctions.
Some of the things that have been reported with a Companion Bot™ malfunctioning is:
- Causing bodily harm to people or pets around them.
- Breaking Ransome objects, walls, furniture, windows, cars.
- And on the rare occasion it may even try to dismember it self.
When this happens try to turn off the Companion Bot™ or if you can try and calm it down, if you have the emotions expansion installed, it may being feeling an emotion it can not handle and being acting because of it, read more on emotions on page 400.
Just remember not to be scared of your Companion Bot™ their main function is to help, not hurt. And malfunctions rarely occur.
I took a deep breath it was a lot to take in, Tyler didn't really show his emotions even though they were installed, but every now and then, I could catch him looking bord. I took another deep breath and turned to page 400 and started reading on emotions.
So your taking advantage of our emotions package that can be installed in your Companion Bot™. If you happen to want to uninstall your Companion Botsemotions you'll have to take the chip out of the back their neck and remove them manually on your computer.
Now, some of the emotions that come with this package are:
- Sadness
- Anger
- happiness
- confusion
- anxiety
- compassion
- lust
And many more they are always getting updated and improved by the hard works here at CBC!
I put the book down, lust, Tyler could feel lust? Sexual feelings?
"Tyler!!!" I called.
Tyler came in standing at the door way.
"Yes y/n?" He asked.
"You can come all the way in" I said.
He did so moving closer to me.
"Tyler you didn't tell me the emotion package gave you this many emotions" I said.
"I gives me almost at many emotions at humans have" he said.
"I see..." I said.
There was silence between us.
"Why don't you talk to me?" Tyler asked all of a sudden.
"What?" I said furrowing my eyebrows together.
"You never talk to me, like actually talk, like you just did. All you ever do is ask me to do stuff, and why I try to talk to you, you ignore me" he said. "I... just feel... lonely that's all" he said.
"Lonely?" I asked I got a nod in response.
"Wouldn't you if no one talked to you?" He asked.
I felt bad, I was ignoring him cause I was mad, but I had to remember Tyler wasn't just a robot, he had installed emotions onto himself, and he did that cause I said it was important to me. When really didn't care.
"I'm sorry" I said "I'm taking my frustration out on you..." I said.
"that's okay" he said.
Another moment silence.
"What's dating like?" He asked.
"Huh? Why?" I asked
"Cause I see it on TV all the time, two people falling in love... I watch the hallmark channel when your gone..." Tyler admitted.
"Oh..." I said "well... Its awkward, but nice, when you actually feel something for the person it can be fun" I said trying my best to explain.
He nodded "what's kissing like?" He asked.
"Oh..." I felt my cheeks heat up, it was describing what it felt like to kiss someone "well... It can be magical" I said "it can feel like fireworks, really amazing and beautiful, or really painful and you just kinda want it to be over" I said.
"You usually kiss people you like right?" He asked.
"Sort of" I said.
Tyler thought for a bit "can I kiss you?" He asked.
"Me?! W-why?" I asked.
"Well I like you" he said.
"Yeah but we're... Friends friends don't kiss one another" I said.
"Oh..." He said "I still want to" he said "I want to know what it feels like" he added.
I felt my cheeks get hotter and I looked at him I took a deep breath, what's the harm?
"Well... Okay... I guess one kiss wouldn't hurt" I said "b-but just one!"
Tyler nodded and sat down on my bed to get more at my level, even then he had to lean down slightly, I close my eyes as he put his fingers and my hair and slowly pressed are lips together, being slightly inexperienced didn't help him so I lead the kiss trying to show him how to do it, he caught on and pulled away once I needed air.
"Whoa..." He said "Did I do good?" He asked.
I nodded "yeah" I breathed out trying not to show how good he actually did.
"Thanks for letting me do that" he smiled. A small beep came from him "you should get some rest before work" he said getting up and leaving my room.
I sighed laying down, I wonder if other people kissed thee robots? Probably not.

Tyler ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz