Car Repair - Part 1

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I worked at my dad's auto shop, mainly taking calls and handling people at the front desk, sometimes he would ask me to help him work on a vehicle, for the most part, I liked it.

I was working front desk on the phone, handling a client, who had been having troubles with their car, and was making sure it wouldn't take long. I was the only one working at the front desk today, Wednesday's were usually slow for us.

"Um excuse me?" A deep voice said, noticing the man in front of me, he had curly brown hair and deep blue eyes.

I was a bit surprised at how cute the man was, I didn't get many cute people in the shop, mainly middle-aged dads that were sick of their cars breaking down, or truckers that brought their semi-trucks in for an oil change or cause their tires were getting flat.

"Hold on mam," I said and looked at the man "I'll be with you in a minute sir," I said.

I finished the call up as quick as I could, the women on the other end weren't exactly being nice to me. I gave a big sigh when they finally did hang up and looked at the male who was waiting.

"Sorry for the wait" I started "What exactly did you need?" I asked.

"Um, a quick check up, the cars making weird noises," He said.

I was about to say something then another male with black hair came in followed by a blue haired boy.

"Whats the story we in? are we going? what's going on?" The male with black hair said.

"I'll ask my dad if he can squeeze you in now" I said going back and seeing dad working on a car he had been trying to fix for a couple days now "Dad... there are some people, their car is making a weird noise and they need it check out now" I said.

"Can you do it? You know how to check out cars" He said giving me a wink "And I bet you could take it apart and put it back together blindfolded" he added.

"Sure, I mean its the end of the day so no on else will be coming in" I nodded "I'll lead them in here"

I went back to the males who were bickering.

"Tyler we have to get home," the black haired one said.

"I know Mark," The one called Tyler said.

I coughed awkwardly "Um pull your car up the garage," I said.

"Oh thank you" Tyler smiled, they all left and I went into the shop part as they pulled in, I guided the driver in and said signaled when to stop.

"Whoa wait, you're doing to fix my car?" Mark said.

I crossed my arms "Yeah problem?" I asked.

I probably to them just seemed like someone who didn't know their way around a car, just the person that answers the phone and makes the appointments.

"Well..." Mark started.

"If you want your car fixed I suggest you trust them with this," My dad said, his voice was deep and husky, and he was quite a bit guy, he looked like he could throw even Tyler across the room without a second thought. Though I knew him as the gentle soul who would freak out when I got the slightest scrape on my knee when I was a kid.

"I suggest you let them do their job son or take your business somewhere else," my dad said stepping a bit closer before, backing up and going back to fixing the truck he was working on.

"Okay... point taken, I trust you," Mark said biting his lip.

"So what seems to be the problem?" I looked at Tyler not wanted to talk to Mark.

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