Frist fight

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Everything happened in such a flash I honestly couldn't of stopped it if I tried.
Y/n had come home at 4 in the morning from being out with their friends. I started telling them I was worried and that they should of texted me, as soon as they had set foot in our apartment.
"Tyler your not my dad, I'm fine, just chill" was their response.
I don't know why that caused me to snap but it did, next thing I knew we we're both screaming at one another probably waking the neighbors. We called each other names, I said a lot I didn't mean, and a vase flew right pasted my head into the ball beside me, y/n had actually threw something at me, before I could stop myself I slapped them.
I automatically felt regret, y/n looked at me and backed up a bit.
"Y/n wait, I didn't..." I trailed off as y/n ran out of house. I heard their car start, and them drive away, my heart sink.
I sat down and tears gathering in my eyes, did I just lose them? Maybe they just went to cool off, they didn't seem scared of me when they left, just... Upset. I sighed and sniffed wiping my eyes, I hated that I was crying over this, but this was our fist huge fight, and I had never hit someone I was dating before, it wasn't like me to do that.
I ended up passing out on the couch. I woke up to the sound of the door closing, I sat up quickly seeing y/n through my slightly blurred vision, I ran up to them hugging them.
"I'm so sorry y/n I'm so so sorry! I really didn't mean to hit you I'm sorry I didn't mean anything I said last night! Please don't leave me..." I whimpered.
"Tyler..." Y/n said softly "calm down baby boy, I just left last night to cool down" they hushed me.
I sniffed tearing falling gently from my eyes but I calmed down a but at their words.
"Hey... Its okay don't cry" y/n said pulled away and wiping my eyes "I don't care that you hit me, after all I'm the one that threw a vase at you" y/n shrugged.
"Your not gonna leave me?" I asked.
"No silly boy" y/n sat us down.
"I love you so much y/n I'm sorry" I said hugging them.
"I love you to Tyler... I'm sorry to" y/n said.

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