our little song bird

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I stretched a bit humming softly along to the music that was playing from my phone, skipping around my apartment as I did so. I had a couple thing I had to do to day. Most of them this morning and noon.
Help teamiplier out
And go sneak out to my dance battle.
Simple, they didn't know I did this, I mainly did cause I liked it though the extra money from winning the competitions was nice too, I had only lost a couple and that because I was up against a pair of people.
I grabbed my poptart as he popped up and my phone. Connecting my headphones to it I kept listening to my music skipping and dancing slightly on the way to the office. I couldn't help it I was excited! I only got to this a couple time a month and I enjoyed it.
I took off my head phones and walked into the office space.
"Hey y/n" Tyler smiled.
"Hi" I smiled seeing the rest of the team huddled onto there computers working hard on the next big project. Me and Tyler were a bit useless on these days but we ran for food and coffee for them every now and then so we were usually put to work.
The day went slowly and I ended up having to stay a little later to help out. I was bouncy the whole time.
"Why do you come watch a movie with us?" Mark said.
"Thanks mark but I can't... Bye guys" I walked as slowly as I could out, though I wanted to run.

-Tyler's pov-
I watched as y/n left in a bit of a hurry, they had been acting weird they always did around this time of the month, it was actually a couple weeks a month they did this.
"Common we can't let them get out of view!" Ethan said pulling me along.
Ah yes Mark, Amy and Ethan all wanted to follow y/n, I didn't but I was dragged along anyway.
He followed y/n to a slightly sketcher part of town. I wondered what business y/n had doing here.
They paused for a moment and we all his quickly be hind a dumpster. We watched as they took off there sweater and sweatpants to revile jeans and a crop top. I couldn't help but star, why would they be wearing that? They looked good.
"Yo yo yo! Y/n my bro!" A tale male said hugging y/n "how's it? Ready to do this?" He asked.
"Of course, who am I up against?" Y/n asked.
"BB, Tank, and Daring" he said "don't worry you got them! Plus anyone who dare last minute battle you" a hint of cockiness in his voice.
"What are they doing?" Amy asked.
None of us knew. He followed and blended into a small crowed as y/n walk to the middle.
"Was beginning to think you were dropping out" the women smile.
"You wish BB" they smirked.
Y/n started dancing both of them dancing taking there turns at trying to out move on another, they mixed in several different dance styles. All of us were pretty shocked that y/n could even dance. Mark yanked on my sleeve and pulled me behind the dumbster.
"They obviously didn't want us knowing about them dancing I don't wanna make them nervous let's all watch from here" he said.
We all nodded and watched at y/n dances them all out winning each round. Y/n went and grabbed their backpack at the ref gave them their money.
"Yo Pop, let's go were singing karaoke at the bar" The larger women name Bb said to y/n "common I wanna beat you at something" she added.
"You wish BB, sure I'll join" y/n said.
"Let's follow!" Ethan smiled.
We all followed them to a calm looking bat where all of them were doing Karaoke, besides y/n who sat on the side.
"Yo! Pop! Come on show us what you got sing anything you want" the muscular man called Tank from the dance off said.
Y/n looked up and they got up. Me, Mark, Ethan and Amy were all huddled in the back.
"Fine how about... Fast Car?" Y/n asked the piano man, who nodded.
Y/n started singing and we all seemed shocked, they sang beautifully, there voice lulling me into a calm. There voice cracked a bit and I looked up realizing they were looking at us.
"S-sorry... My voice must not be up for singing right now guys" they frowned, some of the crowed awed and y/n got off the stage waling to us.
"What are you guys doing here?!" They demanded.
"We can't go to a bar to drink?" Mark asked sipping on his nonalcoholic beer.
"... Ethan?" They glared down at the blue boy.
"We followed you" he said ashamed.
"Guys! Why?!"
"Well why were you so secretive about this?! You're an amazing singer and dancer why do you hide it from us?" I asked.
"... I was scared.. I thought you would judge me, I love dancing and singing but I thought you guy would maybe maybe make fun of me cause I do it in places like this, and in ally's with those guys who while dancing are my rivals but anywhere else are my friends" y/n admired looking down.
"Why would we make fun of you?" Mark frowned getting up and hugging them "you're our little bird... Well I guess our little song bird" Mark chuckled.
The rest of us joined in.
"Eh! Pop!" Tank said.
"Yeah?" Y/n turned around, I put my arm protectively around their waist.
"Who's that?" Bb asked.
"Oh... Tyler, Mark Amy, Ethan" they pointed to us as they said our names.
"That's Bb, Tank, Daring and JJ" they pointed to them.
I sheepishly waved and let go of y/n. And looked down at them winking.
"You should go back on stage and sing with use, were gonna sing hollaback girls!" Tank said excitedly.
Y/n looked back at us.
"Go on song bird" I smiled pushing them toward their friend.
They went up and sang that having a good time as they sang others together even Mark, Amy and Ethan got up their at one point.

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