I hate you so much ~

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OI!!!!!! This is nsfw ×~× basically some sexy times will happen in this chapter if you are under the age of 13 do not read 😂 or at least don't tell me your under the age of 13 cause like I can't control you?
Y/n didn't know why they didn't even know if they wanted to do anything, well even if they didn't they would just reject Tyler and they gain a night with their best friend.
Y/n went home grabbed some cloths and went to Marks house. Tyler opened the door. He smirked down at y/n.
"Hey" Y/n said raising an eyebrow at him as they pushed past.
"Wait" he grabbed y/n wrist turning them around "come to My bedroom after Ethan falls asleep tonight" he said with a smirk before walking past y/n.
Ethan came running out sliding on his feet and wrapping his arms around them.
"I know you like Marks cooking but I ordered us a Hawaiian pizza!" He said "hope you don't mind" he added.
"Of course not, Hawaiian sounds great" y/n said.
Most of the night was spent into Ethan's rooms they talked and played video games and ate pizza. Eventually Ethan and y/n laid down to go to bed.
"We should put glow in the dark stars on my ceiling again, like when we were younger" Ethan said.
"We can do that... Night Eth" y/n said.
"Okay... Night y/n" Ethan bubbled turning in his side and curling up, they wait to make sure he was asleep before sneaking out of the room.
Y/n tiptoed to Tyler's bedroom and knocked before opening it. Tyler was sitting in bed looking through his phone.
"I thought you may not come" Tyler smirked putting down his tablet and taking off his glasses.
"I don't know why I did, after all you have been nothing but a jerk to me" they said.
"Like I said before" Tyler got out of bed and walked the few steps to then, he pulled y/n by my waist toward him kissing me roughly "I hate you" he growled out pulling away "but I honestly can't stop thinking about you" he said.
Y/n raised an eyebrow and put his hand behind Tyler's neck running them up into his short hair "I would be laying if I said that kiss wasn't stuck in my mind" they smirked.
Tyler smiled "you were so hot angry how could I not kiss you" he said.
Y/n rolled their eyes and pulled Tyler closer kissing the taller boy, Tyler took it from there, picking y/n up and putting them again the wall. Tyler grinded there hips together, he never thought he would want to fuck someone he hated, but here he was with y/n pinned the wall grinding against them like they were the only person he wanted to fuck.
Tyler pulled his lips for y/n lips and went to their neck. He smirked at bit as small noises came from them, he left a mark that he knew wouldn't fade for awhile.
"Fucker, how am I going to explain that?" Y/n said.
"You'll find a way" he chuckled.
Tyler took the others shirt off, and wasted no time taking there pants off too, he didn't want foreplay right now, he need to be in them.
Y/n was thrown on the bed as Tyler took off his clothing. They felt rather exposed but watching Tyler undressed eased them a little. He found his way back on top of them kissing them roughly.
"I need to be in you now" he growled obviously looking got some sort of consent.
"No ones stopping you" Y/n smirked.
Tyler thrust into them making them whimper a bit.
"God fuck" y/n said.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Your bigger then... What I'm use to, just give me a few seconds" they said.
Tyler smirked and stayed still groaning a bit.
"Tyler move" y/n said after a few moments of adjusting to the boys length.
Tyler moved fast and harsh he knew y/n would stop him if he was hurting them. Though not single noise of complaint from y/n mouth, just small moans trying to keep there voice down.
Tyler flipped so he was sitting move y/n to ride him. There was a small knock at the door and they both stopped holding their breath. Tyler turned the light off quickly making the room darker as the door opened.
"Ty? Is y/n in here? I thought I heard them..." Ethan said in a sleepy voice.
"Y-yeah Eth, I'm just talking to Tyler... I'll be back to bed in a couple of m-m-minutes" y/n said trying to keep calm, Tyler was still moving them ever so slightly making it hard.
"In the dark?" He asked.
"I have migraine" Tyler said.
There was a small pause form the small blue boy "okay... I'll go back to bed" he said leaving and shutting the door.
"Fuck you asshole, why did you keep moving?" They growled with a soft moan.
"I liked the Ethan could of found out" Tyler smirked going back to the rough fast pace he had before.
"Kinky fucky" y/n moaned burring their face into the boys neck.
"God" y/n moaned.
"I'm not god, but I'm glad you could mistake me for one" Tyler smirked.
"Tyler, shut the fuck up" y/n said.
It didn't take long for y/n to come undone and Tyler came after ward.
Both of them lay panting and sweaty.
"God damn it, think I'll be able to sneak a shower in here with out Eth asking questions?" Y/n asked.
"Probably" Tyler said with a small shrug sitting up and putt on his grey sweat pants and getting back into to bed.
Y/n nodded and got out of the bed.
"Hey y/n" Tyler said as he watch the other put one their cloths.
"We should do this again" he said.
"Maybe... If you're nicer to me" Y/n smirked and left the room Tyler smirked a bit, maybe they weren't that bad after all.

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