As he stepped forward, the heartbeat became quicker. Everybody stopped and turned to look at Amanda as she started to thrash in pain.

Harry started to cry and raced forward, but Remus, as well as Sirius in dog form, held him back. Harry started to cry out and scream with despair as he watched the heartbeat screen, before it fell into one line with a continuous beep.

"NO!" Harry screamed. "AMANDA!"

He fell limp in Remus' arms as the magical people in the room realized what had happened. Madam Pomfrey stepped back from Amanda, placing a hand to her mouth in shock at the fact she could not have saved her.

And the world mourned the fact that Amanda Lily Potter had died.


The last thing Amanda remembered was falling unconscious outside the Maze. Now she had just woken up in an area she had never seen in her life. She looked around, on guard.

Then someone stepped forward.

Amanda raised her wand but the figure stopped her. "Miss Potter, please put down your wand."

"How do you know who I am?" Amanda whispered, confident they could hear her.

"You are Amanda Potter, recently deceased and very, very important to the people who have died."

"What?" Amanda said in shock, dropping her wand.

"I suppose I should introduce myself." The figure said with a friendly smile. "I am Death."

Amanda snorted and the figure lost it's smile. "Death? What are you saying? I'm dead and you're some person who's the embodiment of death." She said sarcastically.

"That is exactly what I am saying Amanda Potter. I am Death, and you, my girl, are one of my descendants."


It took a while for the shock to wear off. Death took Amanda to an area where a comfy couch sat, and she sunk into it gratefully. "Thank you." She said appreciatively. "I needed to sit down."

"You are welcome." Death said formally. "Now, I believe you may have many questions."

Amanda nodded eagerly and Death chuckled.

"Well, Amanda. It's a long story. Basically, one of your ancestors was on of the three Brothers. I believe they are still spoken about in wizarding fairy tales."

Amanda nodded again, remembering the story Drew first read to her all those years ago.

"Now, it was the third brother who was your ancestor, the one who received the Invisibility Cloak from the first Death. I believe that your younger brother, Harry, is the current owner of that very same Cloak."

It made sense. That Invisibility Cloak had been in her family for generations from what she could remember.

"The brothers outsmarted Death, and so Death decided that he was getting old. He decided that one of the three brothers would take over his role. In the end, it was shown that the third brother was the most worthy. So upon his death, Death greeted him as his equal, and the third brother became the next Death. Now, this role has been passed down to other members of your family. We generally have a new Death every thousand years or so."

"But what has this got to do with me?" Amanda asked.

"It has everything to do with you, my dear. You have many special abilities and a future that I have granted you."

"Wait, so you are the one who gave me my extra powers? Why?"

"Because I have chosen you to be my successor."

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