Chapter 28

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Above is Amanda's usual hairstyle, or I should say, what I imagine it to be.


Amanda came to for a moment on Sunday morning. She could hear people talking. She sensed Harry in the bed next to her and sighed. He was safe.

She opened her eye slightly to see Fred looking right at her. "I told you so." She said, but then lost conscious again.


Amanda finally woke properly on Monday evening. Poppy hustled over to her and checked her temperature. She gave her a bar of chocolate and nodded solemnly. Amanda took that as her cue to be able to leave.

She joined Fred and George at the Great Hall for dinner. She loaded her plate with meat and vegetables and managed to eat it all.

"What, I haven't eaten since before the Quidditch match." She said at her friends, looking at her weirdly.

She winked and continued to eat.


The next morning she started her running again. She jogged around the lake several times and stopped to take a break. She was out of practice.

Huffing and puffing, she hustled to the kitchen.

She was met with several house elves.

"Hello Miss. How are you Miss?" They asked.

"I don't know how many times I have told you guys to call me Amanda." She sighed exasperatedly.

"We don't know how many times we have told you, but we like to call you Miss, Miss." One of the house elves, Dom, told her.

She laughed.

"Now what would you like, Miss?" Kenna asked her.

"I'll just have an energy drink, thanks." Kenna bowed to her and within seconds a drink floating on a tray came to her.

She thanked them and went to the library as she drank.


In the library, the sun started to dawn. Amanda sat down in a cubicle with a bunch of books on Charms, as she tried to complete her essay.

Then suddenly, a spell took her interest.

"Hala Kalai Ochio"

A spell used to transport some of a person's essence into an object. The opposite of a Horcrux, the object must be given to a close family member. While a Horcrux protects a soul, this spell protects an identity's personality and/or memory. More then one object can be used. This spell was used in ancient times to protect some of a person's memory, emotions, personality etc, in a time of great danger. The purpose of the spell was to protect and link the identity with the family member.

She stored the passage in her memory, interested. She hoped though that she would never need it.


Amanda opened her trunk and found the anklet buried inside.

When she was little, Francis had taken her to Borgin and Bourkes. She didn't know why, but he made her choose something.

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