Chapter 31

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Amanda hung up the picture on the wall and put the ballerina ornament on a shelf.

She placed the rest of the things in a safe that she created behind the photo.

She sighed. Going to Godric's Hollow had made her feel a lot better, but it had really drained her of her energy. She sighed again.

She heard a tapping at the window and groaned as she got up. But the groans turned to excitement when she saw the owl that was tapping at the window was Hedwig.

She eagerly let the owl in and stroked her. Hedwig flew onto the perch next to Ember. Amanda giggled at the sight of the three perches. One for Ember, one for Hedwig and the new one was for her when she turned into her Phoenix form, which she and Albus had agreed to call Flame, after the nickname her father had had for her.

She then looked down at the two envelopes Hedwig had given her.

The first was from the twins and she laughed at their recount of their latest prank.

She then opened Harry's letter and beamed.

Dear Amanda,
I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you. I guess I was just a little shocked at finding out that Sirius Black is my godfather.
I miss you. Even with all of our friends here, you seem to bring a special something to the group. Thanks for my letter by the way, it was comforting.
When I read the part about when you were little, it reminded me of myself in primary school. I guess we should add that to the list of sad things we have in common. Anyways, it made me feel sad that you are going home for the holidays just so that you might be able to have custody of me, and I don't want you to push yourself too hard. Remember to relax and enjoy yourself as well, because we both know how stubborn you are.
Tell me what Fudge says when you meet him for Christmas dinner. I would like to know as soon as possible if it means I don't have to go to the Dursleys next summer.
I love you sis,

She smiled happily. Harry had forgiven her.

She gave her wrapped presents to Hedwig and Ember, checking that the two of them would be able to carry the presents for her friends. The two owls reassured her that they would be fine with an affectionate nibble of her fingers, and then they flew off.


Amanda sat and drew.

She had been stuck for weeks trying to think of a gift that she could give to Remus. She had had many ideas, but none of them seemed quite right.

That afternoon when she was having lunch, she was looking at her drawings and thinking about how much Remus would like to see them when the idea popped into her head.

First, she drew a delicate werewolf howling at the moon. She then got another piece of parchment and drew an image of Remus holding Harry and herself when they were little.

Satisfied, she sat down to write the note to go with it.

Dear Remus,
Merry Christmas Moony! I hope you are having a blast at the moment. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for the full moon nearing.
I hope this letter reaches you as well as you can be at this time.
I thought I should sort of explain your presents. I was thinking about sending you some jokey things, but nothing seemed right. I have been drawing lately, which helps me calm down, and I thought about drawing some things that we can both relate to.
The first drawing is of Moony, while the second is a picture of us and Harry at Christmas, that I am sure you would remember.
Anyway, happy holidays. I will see you soon, when I expect to join you for a cup of coffee.
By the way, have I told you where I have put the Marauder's Map? Did I tell you I duplicated it? I leave you to your thoughts.

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