Nova had begged her dad for the day off school the next day. She was still exhausted from the whole ordeal that had happened the night before. However, the father felt anxious, leaving his daughter home alone while the assassins were still after her, so he opted to bring her along with him on his own mission, including Malia.

The blonde slowly followed the werewolf and werecoyote into the forest after Derek had explained everything. Brett was apart of a pack, and the man wanted to find their alpha Satomi with the help of Malia's knowledge of the woods and her impeccable sense of smell.

A sudden gust of wind stopped the girl from following the two, and as she had forgotten her jacket in the car, she swiftly turned around and went to retrieve it. However, a low noise made its way throughout the forest, and curiosity got the better of Nova, so she soon followed it into the woods.

She didn't intend to walk too far, but the sound she heard was a mix between a growl and a cry, and she just thought it was an injured animal of some sorts. But Beacon Hills was never what you imagined, as when Nova walked further into the forest - she got horribly and utterly lost.

The girl had spent hours walking through the woods, and she was so embarrassed about her lack of direction that when her dad called and asked her where she had gotten too, she skilfully lied and told him that she had seen Mason on a run and joined him even though the lack of athletic clothes she had on.

Derek wasn't pleased with his daughter's sudden departure, but his attention was soon directed elsewhere when Malia suggested a great idea on how they could find the pack that was so well hidden. It was only when nightfall fell upon the girl that she began to panic, and she finally decided to call her dad, who she'd be sure that he would yell at her for lying. But as always, luck wasn't on the girl's side as when she pulled her phone out - she had no service.

Nova kicked the dirt in annoyance, and she was going to be the dramatic girl she was and throw her phone on the ground in anger, but she heard it again, the noise, expect it was louder this time, a lot louder.


The realisation that the noise was a person made Nova sprint towards where it was coming from - which was the most exercise she'd done in a long time, which was proven when she began to feel her chest burn at how fast she was running. A small well built into the ground soon made its way into Nova's line of vision, and once she was just next to it, she finally recognised the voice of the person who was screaming for help - Liam.

"So this is why you weren't replying to my texts." The blonde tried to smile down at the boy who was at the bottom of the well, but once she noticed he was injured with the wolfsbane just like Brett had been, her smile soon vanished from her face.

"Nova? Is that you?" Liam rasped out.

Garett had kidnapped the boy over the Deadpool money being taken and Violet being arrested - he had been in the pit of water for nearly half a day now. The wound in his chest was getting worse - Liam was now just immensely grateful that Nova was now there. Over the next few minutes, Nova watched helplessly as Liam tried and failed to get out of the hole.

All she could do was stand and reassure the boy that Scott would be here soon as she had no supernatural abilities that worked on the teen boy being so far away from him. She kept thinking back to the story's her dad and mom had told her about the pack when they were younger, as they always found a way to make things right. And when she heard the boy let out a feral growl, it suddenly hit her.

"Liam, I need you to do something for me," Nova pleaded as she leaned over the edge of the well again. The story of when Scott called Peter to the high school was slightly blurry in her mind, but she still knew if Liam made himself known, Scott would find them.

"I need you to howl." The beta paused for a moment as he had no clue why the girl wanted him to howl, but he trusted her. So Liam howled - loudly. Nova winced at the harsh noise, and even though it wasn't the right time for her comments, she accidentally let one slip.

"What are you trying to do, attract the entire state!"

Nova rubbed over her ears slightly, and a few minutes later, a sudden gasp made its way out of her as she didn't even notice Scott was now next to her and ready to help the boy out of the well. The alpha soon pulled the injured teen into a tight hug; Nova was just glad everyone was finally okay.

Liam then turned to the blonde and extended his arms out to her, which she gladly accepted. The two younger teens embrace was far more intense than the one before, and Scott seemed to notice this as he awkwardly coughed so they would pull apart.

Nova rolled her eyes at Scott's overprotectiveness as he didn't even know they had somewhat kissed, and he was acting like this over a long hug. To lighten the now awkward mood, Nova decided to speak what she thought, which always got her in trouble.

"Sorry to say this, Liam, but you smell like a wet dog."

o. 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.

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