"He got into it with one of his teachers, and uh, the kid's got some serious anger issues." Stiles continued as he showed the pack a picture of Liam's teachers car, which had been destroyed and demolished by a crowbar. The revelation seemed to bring out the seriousness of the situation because a werewolf who couldn't control themselves on a full moon was terrible, but a werewolf with anger issues who couldn't control themselves on a full moon was even worse.

So with this thought in their heads, the pack quickly rushed inside the large home, waiting for the arrival of the beta and Kitsune. Nova stood next to Stiles once they heard Kira car pull up, and the blonde didn't even realise that she had latched onto the boy's hand in slight nervousness until he gave her a small squeeze in reassurance as even though the two fought the most out of the pack - Stiles was like a brother to her.

"What the hell is this?"

The blonde couldn't help but wince slightly at the harshness of Liam's voice that was directed towards her once he had stepped inside the boathouse. Nova was finally making friends her age, and she had already ruined it by lying to the boy to get him here - and for the first time in a long time, Nova Hale felt terrible for someone who wasn't in her pack.

"Think of it as an intervention. You have a problem, Liam."

"And we're the only ones that can help."

Stiles and Scott then delved into a long explanation of the world of the supernatural. Even though they explained the whole ordeal very well, Nova could tell that the beta didn't believe a word they said as Liam soon pointed around the room and revealed what he had learned in disbelief.

"Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Siren - Fox?"

"Kitsune, but fox works." Kira slightly smiled at the younger boy, who the rest of the pack thought was taking in all the information rather well. Everyone was acting rather serious about the situation, but once the boy got onto naming what Stiles was, Nova soon burst out laughing at the overdramatic Stilinski teen.

"Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit. It was very evil." What stopped the girl from her giggling was the ringing of her phone, and she soon excused herself as the ringtone was the one she set explicitly for her father, and she knew she'd be killed if she didn't answer him. But once she had stepped outside, flashing lights and car horns stopped Nova from answering her phone as the pack wasn't expecting company.

Once Lydia joined the girl outside the front door and saw all the teens who had shown up to the 'party' Liam had told Mason about, the two both knew they weren't going to be able to get rid of fifty freshmen, so the two popular girls did what they did best - They threw a party. Drunk teenagers now littered the boathouse, and both Lydia and Nova had the delight of making sure nothing was broken, or they found either Liam or Malia wolfing out.

Nova was getting very impatient with the teens that wandered around the house, and she soon made that clear when she saw some random girl throw up all over one of Lydia's expensive armchairs.

"I just got my nails done, but I am still considering punching the shit out of you."

The drunk girl just giggled at the blonde before being pulled away, which left the Hale girl extremely annoyed as she hated when people didn't say sorry, but yet again, before she could clean up the puke mess, her phone rang. It reminded her that she still had to call her parents back, who had now left multiple missed calls and texts. The living room was too loud to hear anyone down the phone, so Nova quickly made her way outside yet again to finally answer her parents, who she was sure that they knew about her sneaking out.

Again, she was interrupted, which made her curse out in frustration before heading towards the loud noise she heard come from the woods located just next to the boathouse. As Nova slowly walked further into the woods, she realised just how stereotypical scary movie this was, the pretty blonde girl following a noise into the unknown when she could've rung for help or run in the opposite direction.

But once she spotted a familiar wild beta running through the woods, she did feel like she was in a horror film as everything then seemed to go in slow motion. The blonde was harshly pushed to the ground, which made her squeeze her eyes shut in pain at the impact, but once Liam growled above her, Nova quickly opened her eyes and looked straight into his glowing yellow ones.

"Stop!" The siren commanded the werewolf that stood above her, ready to slash at anyone or anything that was in his way. But Liam was too far gone into the full moon that he didn't even realise who he was hurting as he would never lay a finger on the freshman girl who he thought was extremely pretty.

Luckily, the newly bitten werewolf soon got off the blonde and ran away. But once Liam was out of sight, Nova didn't even bother chase after him as she was utterly bewildered. The Hale girl always knew when her powers worked on someone as the rim around their eyes would flash a green colour that mirrored her own, but once she looked into Liam's and used her supernatural ability, nothing happened.

Nova's confusion soon turned into horror as it was the first time her sirens call hadn't worked when someone was in danger - something which scared her massively.

o. 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞

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