That girl is mine

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As I got off the phone with Blair, I knew something was up.  All of a sudden she wants to meet up? She likes my attention on someone else that's not her? Yea right and you'll catch me in puma over Adidas and Nike. I don't know what she was up to but I had to be one step ahead. Isabella was going to be princess because I feel she would be an amazing one. Besides the fact that she's MY girl, she's so strategic, smart, stylish, sexy don't let me brag about my girl. I think my obsession is growing. I was taking her to the castle to introduce her to the court. I know If they see me bring her "home" so to speak they'll know I'm serious about her. Which I am. Isabella would have less to worry about with the court already seeing her as family all she would need to do is survive the hurricane that is Blair and she would be a sealed deal. One month just one and her mission would be complete. Leaving more time to spend with me. Is it so bad I want her all to myself?

I pulled up to the ice cream place that Blair chose to meet Isabella. I roll down her window as her boyfriend chuck pulls up next to us. Both of the ladies windows are right next to each other and I hold my breath as I watch how Bella will handle the Queen. Test one.

"Hi, we haven't officially met because I don't talk to basics but I'm Blair and I RUN, BU. Nice to meet you, belly was it?" I cringe as Blair test Bella for quick come backs. This is not good.

"Well it's a good thing I'm basic enough to take your king before first day right and from the looks of your guy over there I may be basic enough to score your man too. But no worries I'm happy with my Cole and I look forward to learning from the queen B, B is for bitch right?."
Isabella smirks and Blair smirks back. I look over at Chuck who is now glaring at me as he leans back in his seat.

"When you say bitch be sure to put baddest in front of it little one and don't you forget it. I guess you aren't a total waste of space. Cole, keep her out my way and she just may make it to court." Blair is looking at me with a look that is familiar. My mind drifts back to those moment I fell weak to her charm. Bella watched our interaction and I can see her blood on fire. Wait is she jealous? My lips tip in a small smile. Could she remember me? Does she feel the same way I have since I saw her almost a year ago?

"I thought you wanted to get ice cream and get to know her? Why are we still in the car?" I asks with my blond eyebrows arched.

"Something came up on the way, Chuck and I have to go to the spit for some court business. Something little one wouldn't understand." Blair smirks and looks back at Bella waiting for a reaction.

To my surprise Bella leans back, wraps her hands around my neck and intertwine my tongue with hers. Leaving Blair and Chuck to watch. Fireworks go off and I feel myself instantly harden. I kiss her back with just as much energy and run my hands over her curvy hips. The things I want to do to her. I've been stalking her social media all year waiting for the chance to make my move. I even considered hopping on the family jet to take out the guy she was with from jealousy. She's been mine, she just didn't know it. When it starts getting heated and Im thinking about burying my head between her thighs I hear someone clear their throat. Bella  pulls back giving me a look that her point has been made. Oh. This was apart of her game. She didn't remember me.

" We had plans before you interrupted them for this unnecessary meet and greet. You should go handle business so I can handle mine. Wouldn't want that crown to slip would we?" She leans into me placing my hand on her breast smirking as Blair smirk drops.

"Until next time little B."  Blair rolls her eyes and is about to put her window up when Bella just could help but respond.

"See you on my throne Big B, I'm coming for it." Then she rolls up her window while Blair glares at her in a weird mixture between malice and admiration.

"So we aren't getting ice cream anymore?" Bella pouts. I laugh and grab her hand. She is just everything I knew she would be. I want to get to know her, the real her not the social media version I was forced to watch. The girl I saw help someone and not want credit for it. The girl who cried behind a building, said some mantra to herself and walked back out with a smile like she was never hurt. I wanted to know who hurt her and destroy them, then keep her as happy as possible. If she remembered she would know I wouldn't burn the world for her, I would pour the gasoline and give her the match. She deserves to take what she wants, she doesn't need me to save her but I plan on staying by her side and protecting her anyway. There are stars in her eyes when she smiles and it's contagious. My little star.

I have to get her to the castle maybe not today due to this stop Blair is most likely watching me but I'm going to grab us ice cream, take her for a drive and then try to be as gentlemanly as possible and get her home safe at a reasonable time. I don't want to treat her like other girls I've had, I want her to feel like the queen I see her as and soon she will be apart of our court, she's going to be freshman Princsss and I won't stop until it happens.

I've already heard the guys talking. They all see her, they're all plotting but it's like she's immune to them. I haven't even been with another woman since we met last year. We have this connection, she tries to play tough with me but the way she looks into my eyes it's like she sees pass the king of BU and just sees me, Cole the man not the royal. She asks questions nobody even cares about. She's different and I refuse to lose her to any of these guys that are trying to get her attention. I need to brand her so everyone knows she's mine. That scene at the pool wasn't enough. I have to come up with a way that on the first day of school when she walks through everyone knows that girl is mine.

Short chapter I know. They get longer though! Cole is theeee sweetest. Bella & Blair may as well be sisters at this point. So fiesty with the banter. Here for it!
Comment & Vote. Sending all my love.


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