I wish I Knew

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Bella's POV

I pride myself on being in control. I usually move the pieces on the Chess board while everyone else thinks we're playing checkers. I can say, I have no idea what the fuck is going on. My roommates had a series of unfortunate events. Cole has been keeping me close to him like he doesn't want her streak to touch me. I've been trying to catch up with Renee but she never replies which is so weird. Then I get a text with a photo of Renee laughing while Cole whispers in her ear. Now I'm not the insecure girl, plus my roommate had enough men drama to worry about mine. Even so Cole was really a pawn in my game. I wasn't in love, I liked him, I had fun with him but if I had to choose between the crown and him it would be the crown every time.

I just needed to figure out who was fucking with us, all of us. Andre saved me, there was no way he set the place on fire. I hate the guy, but he saved me. Threw me into my man's arms and tried to run back into a burning building, burns and all because he thought my girl, my sister was in there. He looked broken, like he would die if anything happened to her and I guess I softened a bit towards him. From our discussion, I've gathered a few things. One, some has been texting Andre as Renee and blocking my text to her. Two they wanted her alone so they could do all the things they've been doing with no one to shield her. Three it was working, my girl has officially broken and I don't know how to fix her.

Theo took Renee with him that night and I haven't seen her since. No classes, she hasn't slept in our room. It's been a week and every time I ask Theo to let me see her, he says she's sleeping or she's busy. Why is he hiding her from me? Theo has changed a lot, he still is a sweet guy but there is something dark about him. My darkness recognizes the change immediately, it's a tinge of depravity, something in him is rotting and starving. For what? Power, revenge on Andre? Or was it his need for Renee? I knew she was safe with him so I didn't push too hard but I would be watching him.

Cole has been, out of it. He's super protective almost clingy. If he doesn't get a reply from me immediately I look up and he's there. Almost like he knows where I am at all times. It should freak me out but I need him obsessed with me to accomplish what I need to do. The coronation is next week for the freshman princesses. Right before we break for Christmas it's been a wild four months but I have done everything right for my first crown. Three more to the ultimate crown, senior queen. No one knows why I want it so bad, I acted like it was the first time I'd heard about it but it wasn't. My sister had attended this university, made it to her senior year, been apart of the court up until and right before she could get that crown, she disappeared. My parents were heart broken I was livid. Someone, this society had gotten rid of her. Was she dead? We never got that closure but I knew she had made it to that coronation and then....nothing. The last text she sent me was that she made it, she was going to be crowned that night and that she loved me. I knew a little of what a terror she was in here college years leading up to her last moments. She took what she wanted, was everything I wasn't growing up. When she disappeared last year I was a senior in high school. I knew I had to go to THIS university and I had to make it to that ceremony to see what happens. I'd be just like her, vindictive, manipulative, a bitch but I'd be smart and I wouldn't do it alone. Cole. He thought he took me, but I set him up all along. He was a major piece on my chess board. I needed a cover from whoever took that queen position from my sister, the current queen of BU....Blair.

Cole would graduate this year, but he planned on staying and doing his masters, a three year program that would align him to graduate with me. I would still have him as I worked my way up but he wouldn't be in power, a veteran one who had access to the know but couldn't make any decisions on his own anymore. I needed another pawn. Looking up at the moon, I envisioned and manifested my solution. Someone cleared their throat and I looked back. Dressed in black joggers and a hoodie stood a guy I've seen a few times. He was nominated for freshman prince, tall, brunette hair and piercing green eyes that held a bit of malice that I carried around with me daily.
What are we looking at wild card, are you willing the moon down to you like you do everything else?
I stare at him and squint my eyes a bit. Where did he come from, I hadn't heard anyone approaching. How long was he watching me and why was he talking to me like we were friends?
Carson, did I summon you by accident? Damn I can never get this manifestation thing right. Run along, you're throwing off my energy. I turn my head back up the moon, close eyes and will the universe to give me what I need.

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