Young Blood

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The one girl I wanted. The ONLY girl I've had interest in since I got here & she's caught up in the bs that I detest. I mean it sounds crazy seeming as I am the sophomore prince but I didn't ask to be ! It's Cole's fault. Ever since he protected me from being bullied my freshman year & took me under his wing I kind of felt  like I owed him whatever he wanted. All that he asked was that I play basketball & accept the title to protect me from every psycho guy in this toxic society.

Here it was I dragged myself to the stupid freshman assembly, intentionally coming late & trying to blend in the background. After watching the nominees for princes I was ready to go then I heard a familiar voice over the speaker.

No no no way.

I feel the blood leaving my face & the room felt like it was closing in on me. There, on the screen in front of the entire freshman class & a few "ranking" students was the girl I've publicly claimed. The one who wears my jersey at every game. My good luck charm. Spread out moaning, not just moaning but another guys name. His name. That fucking douche bag. I knew he didn't really want her, he was doing what he always did & trying to break her to become one of these savage girls on campus. I didn't want that for her. I wanted her to be herself & enjoy college without all the games & bs. I wanted her with me....

I take a deep breath & try to compose myself. Now I'm on the screen kissing her at one of my games. Oh, I can't do this. Taking a seat in the corner I pull my hoodie over my head and wait for it to be over. Letting my mind drift to the good times we've had so far, the year was just beginning! I had so much more planned for us. Was this what she was doing every other night when she said she was with Bella?

No Theo she was with her other guy & you were being the good guy you are, thinking of ways to make her experience here better. Stupid, I'm so stupid. I hear a round of applause & realize Bella was on the screen too but she was naturally manipulative it wasn't half as bad as Renee's video. The girls are in the front after being nominated and then it happens. We lock eyes & even though hers were filled with regret and tears I just couldn't.  Looking away I brace myself, lift my head high and blend into the crowd as the Event ends. I need some air.

Leaning up against the wall I pull out my vape and take a few puffs. I'll be okay, she's just a girl. I'm sure I'll finally meet someone who doesn't care about all this, but the truth was I wanted it to be her. I just couldn't get over how she let him record her? She couldn't be that stupid! Didn't she know he was a player? Speaking of the devil he walks pass me and has the nerve to stop & smile.

"Enjoyed the show buddy? She's sexy as hell right?" Andre taunts me.
I fight not to reply & keep vaping.

"Well now that I've started her transformation I'll just wait for her to cool down & let her know Blair stole it from me. We will be good as ever & even though I didn't really want her before I definitely do now. There's just something about her oh and it's a plus for me that you can't have her." He mockingly laughs and pulls out a cigarette.

At this point my blood is boiling & im trying my hardest not to hit him & cause a scene out here. He is really testing me, he only wants her because he sees what we have.

"You're a fucked up guy you know that? Do you think she would ever be with you after what you pulled? I know her & you're done. Don't ever go near her again or I'll show you why I'm really the sophomore prince." I growl.

It takes a lot to bring me to this point but I am tired of him getting away with everything & doing what he wants. If they want me to be the bad guy I'll do it if it means protecting her. Sure I'm not a fan of her right now but she's still my princess. No one has the right to hurt her.

"Like you could stop me, I saw a video of her drinking everything they put in her hand, I'm heading in to pick her up & put her to bed after we have some more fun if you know what I mean." Andre starts walking toward where the after party is being held & I just lose it.

Walking behind him, I kick him in his back & he falls to the floor. He turns around to say something probably disrespectful and I punch him in his mouth. Resting my size 13 foot on his chest I press down with just enough weight to cause pain.

"You go near her....I'll end you. That's not a threat it's a promise. You got me?" I finish in my coldest voice.

He just stares at me like he wants to stab me & I smile to myself. Pussy. All bark & no bite. Lifting my foot off his chest I head inside to see what he was talking about. Pushing through the group of freshman that we're trying to get my attention I spot her. Cup in hand she's swaying and laughing with her friends. How can she be happy after breaking my damn heart tonight? I look closer & realize she's not happy, she's forcing it. Eyes glazed, I can see she is this close to breaking. I need to get her out of here.
I move through the crowd trying to keep my eyes on her, I lose sight for one minute & she's on the table singing! Wtf Renee. I have no idea what to do with her. I shouldn't care or feel the way I do after tonight but she's under my skin.

Shoving aside the guys that were trying to look under her dress I walk next to Cole who has already taken Bella off the table and tucked her safely in his arms. Tati has come down herself & is looking at me like she's seen a ghost.

"Renee come down, Theo's here." Tati says to her quietly. She ignores her and keeps going on about coke or Pepsi. Again she tells her that I'm here but Renee's eyes a barely open & she's swaying to the music. Did they spike her drink ? I would skin someone alive if she's drugged.

"He hates me now, why would he be here? You're so mean to me Tati just let me be drunk & forget about my stupid day!" Renee yells.

Okay, so not drugged she drank herself to this point. Did she really regret it?

I look around and the whole room is focused on Renee dancing on the table. A freshman nominee decides he's going to try and dance with her by hopping on the table too. Before he can even start I grab her legs and throw her over my shoulder. This girl was going to be the death of me. I swear.

Walking towards the exit she was hanging on my back yelling about someone being messy. I roll my eyes & keep walking with no idea where I was even headed. Why was I even doing this? She had embarrassed me today, was playing me with THAT fuck boy. I should have just left her... but I couldn't. I needed to at-least know she was safe.

Walking towards my dorm room I decided I'd let her sober up because Bella wouldn't be there to help since she was with Cole. Resting her on my bed I take her heels off.

"Coldddd it's so coldddd." She whines like a baby. Taking a hoodie out of my drawer I put it over her dress and tuck her under the covers. Getting up to sit at my desk I feel a small hand grab my shirt.

"Stay. Stay with me."  She slowly opens her eyes & they are watery. Pulling me down towards her she kisses my nose and wraps her arms around me. Caving almost instantly I tuck myself under the covers with her like I usually do & turn on the YouTube on my tv.

" you push &  you push me away push me away from you. I give & I give & you take. Give & you take. Young blood say you want me back in your life & I'm just a dead man crawling tonight cause I need it, yea I need it all of the time."

I start drifting away to the music with the girl I was crazy about wrapped in my arms. We had a lot to talk about in the morning but I was just happy she was safe & that she was with me. I needed her with me. She made me feel things I never have before & I wanted to experience everything with HER. Even if she pushes me away i would probably crawl right back. I had never been so sure that she was the person I wanted to learn with, grow with & if it meant I had to become savage to protect her it's a price I was was willing to pay. She was mine & everyone else better watch out because the game was about to change. Hold on tight young blood.


I know it's been like a week! I've been working on my crown business guys! But hello THEOS POV! I couldn't wait to get his mind in the book but I hope you enjoyed. Theo is such a sweetie we don't deserve him. New chapter tomorrow!

Stay savage
Chanel Moet

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