The Take Down

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Andre's POV

Someone is fucking with her, and it's not me. I am the ONLY one that gets to fuck with her. The more I watch her fall the more I wish I could save her. I never thought I'd feel this way about her, about anyone. I started this tradition because it was done to me. I was the quiet nerdy guy in high school, and they destroyed me. The Barbies, popular girls in my class never even looked at me until senior year. Out of the three, Olivia was the smart, quiet girl. Even though she was apart of their trio she never involved herself in the bullying and pranks the three took part in. So when she texted me and asked if we could study together I jumped on it.

Andre, thank you so much for helping me out. I thought I had it but I can't fail this test! She smiled at me and my heart fluttered. This beautiful popular girl looked at me like I wasn't a nerd, just me. We studied a few times and texted daily, she would wave at me through the halls and then finally she invited me out. It was a party and the queen of their trios home. I was so blinded by her I didn't think about it too much. After dressing in my coolest attire that I saw the popular guys wearing, I drove to the mansion and entered looking for her. Caramel skin, long curly hair and the sweetest smile. That smile I dreamt of every night, the one I wanted only directed at me. She spotted me, ran over and hugged me close.

" You look nice, smell nice too. Come have a drink with me." I followed her in a daze chugging down whatever she gave me. We took shots with other classmates, laughed and the whole time she leaned into me like there was no place she rather be. My head started to buzz but I pushed it down, I didn't want the night to end. It was senior year and I was finally being noticed, finally having the attention I always wanted. The guys cheered cups with me and told me how hot Olivia was. The girls looked at me like they'd just noticed I existed and wanted to find out more. I felt.... seen. Important. Normal.

Olivia wrapped her small hand in mine and pulled me up the stairs into a room. Locking the door she innocently pulled me to the bed. My heart sped up, I had never....
She sat next to me with her hand in my lap, dangerously close to my shaft and it woke out of slumber instantly straining against my grey joggers.  She giggled the sweetest laugh and told me she wanted to play a game. I would do whatever she asked if she kept looking at me like this. She got me to strip, as nervous as I was I did. Laying back in the bed she blind folded me, kissing along my chest, my neck right to the corner of my lips. But she didn't kiss me, why didn't she kiss me? Tying my hands to the headboard, I startled. Rubbing her hands all over my flat torso, she gripped my hard cock.

"You're so hard for me, you want this don't you? Want to feel me riding you until I milk all that cum into my pussy?" I throbbed at her dirty words and nodded wildly.

" Please." I beg. This didn't sound like my sweet Olivia she was a wild lioness right now. Feeling me, sucking on me, whispering the dirtiest things that only made me harder.
I pushed my hips up into her where she straddled over me, wanting no needing more of her. She giggled and rubbed her pussy against me. I got harder. I willed myself to think of something, anything or I would cum before anything even started.

A knock sounds from  the door, she lets out a sigh. Was she as disappointed as I was? She tells me how,d while she gets rid of them and I listen as she whispers to whoever is out there. The door closes again and I wait for her to return. I was naked, exposed and hard as a rock I needed a release. Minutes go by and nothing. I call out her name. Silence. Another few minutes and I start to get worried. I call out for her again and then I hear the door open.

"My guy, what kind of kink are you into? Did she run when saw your pathetic body? "  I can hear some guys laughing and I pull at the weak restraints until they loosen enough for me to pull the blind fold off. In the door way are three guys and two of Olivia's friends laughing and recording. I find the strength to pop my restraints jump up and pull on my clothes. Storming pass them and out the door I bit my tongue so hard the copper taste fills my mouth. She played me. She never wanted me. I was nothing, but I would be.

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