I cant go out... i have the "cole"

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Bella's POV
It's been three weeks since school started & it felt like a whole year. Renee is still bouncing between Andre & Theo.... As she should. Blair has pretty much banned me from joining her dance team but that didn't stop me from becoming a cheerleader & joining the photography & fashion clubs. She tried it. Classes have been smooth, homework is annoying but the highlight of it all is...HIM.

Cole is everything I always wanted but never knew I needed. He never misses a morning text. Never pressures me to go to the next base ...even though he makes it so hard the way he kisses me. Well, I guess I make him hard too so we're even. I meet small gifts on my classroom desk or in front of my room door once a week with a sweet note that describes something new he likes about me. We often go for walks down south beach strip & this weekend he has planned a get away somewhere. Here's the issue.

It's Renee's weekend to choose a girls day activity & she has the whole world planned for us to do. Is it so bad that I just really want to spend it with Cole? I mean I've tried a couple of times to tell her he has something planned but she just rambles on about how she needs a break from guys & girl time is so important. This is going to be tough.

As the weekend is approaching being the mistress of schemes that I am, I hatch a plan. I'm going to be sick & go to my "aunts" for the weekend courtesy of my mothers instructions. Perfect. As I sit at my vanity I look at the time, Renee will probably come back to the room in about 10 minutes. That gives me enough time to come down with a fever, crawl in bed & start my act.

Taking the blow dryer I put it on high heat and put it on my forehead & my neck. When I start to sweat a bit I can throw on a hoodie, put the dryer back in my drawer & crawl under the covers opening my watt pad to finish reading "Ace" while I wait for my cue to start my scene.

Like clockwork in comes my roommate already chirping about if I know what I'm wearing for the weekend.

"Uhhhh. Grruhhhh." I moan & start a fit of coughing.
"Girl wtf what type deadly disease do you have sounding like a dying cat." Renee scorns me taking a scarf & wrapping it around her face like a mask.
"I don't feel good. Horrible headache. Chest hurts. Can't stop coughing. I think I have a fever too." I mumble in my best sick voice.
She slowly leans over me & touches my forehead, then my neck.
"Uh uh, it's Friday but you got to go baby. You need me to take you to the nurse? I'll ask Theo or Andre if I can stay with them for the weekend because I cannot get sick." Renee is walking up & down having her own internal melt down.
"No no.  I'll let Cole drop my by my aunt this weekend. My mom says she will take care of me & hopefully I'm better by Monday or at-least not contagious." I slowly roll over & dramatically drop onto the floor. I lay there while Renee screams & tries to help me up. Sitting me on my vanity she offers to help me pack a small bag. My heart drops. I already packed my weekend bag what if she looks inside.
"No no it's fine I'll throw something together when Cole come to get me in an hour." I say a little to clearly. I cough again and rest my head down to avoid eye contact.

The room is silent I try not to look up but I can't help it, she's looking at me with a mixture of concern & doubt like she just can't tell. Time to take this up a notch. I stare into space until my eyes start to water and I let my crocodile tears flow. I start breathing hard like I can't catch my breath & I look at her with the most pitiful pace I could muster.
"It hurts to breathe can you get me some water out of the fridge, I'm sorry to be a burden & ruin our weekend." I cry like Zendaya as Rue in euphoria. She runs to the fridge gets me the water, opens it and helps me to drink. Then I crawl back into bed and pull the blanket over my head pretending to go to sleep. Meanwhile I really want to cry reading about the loss ace is experiencing after everything they went through. I let my fake tears turn into real ones as I hurt for my dream watt pad boy & actually drift to sleep with visions of Cole being my Ace.

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