Tame & Claim

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Bella's POV

It's gone. I always said keeping your virginity was a waste until you could use it, but now I.... I didn't know how to feel. Cole was more than I expected. In the moment there was nothing more I wanted that to be with him, claimed and consumed by him. I wanted to be beneath his skin, I would live there if I could. This isn't like me. He was just supposed to be a pawn, damn him! That's it, I had to pull back now. Avoid him for a while until I could get these...feelings under control. As my mind continued to ramble my bedroom door slammed open and I jumped. 

Renee. She looks frantic, so I jump up and run to her. 

"Babe, what happened. Are you okay? Who do I have to murder girl because you know I will.." I start throwing my curls in a pony tail. She locks the door and leans against it breathing quickly. 

"I texted you I was on my way, Theo had me locked up in his tower with no phone and I couldn't find mine after..." She pauses and looks at the ground. 

"After the fire and they took Andre away?" I whisper. 

"Don't say his name, not right now. I don't know how I feel anymore. I hated him for what he did but something is telling me he didn't do it and Theo..." she pauses biting her lips and holding her middle for support. 

"Theo what Renee? What's going on with you two? Did he do something?" I pull her to my bed and grab her a bottle of water from the mini fridge. Allowing her to sip as an encouragement to continue. She takes a deep breath, looks at me and the explodes. 

"I think Theo may be crazy! His laptop had over 200 photos of me around campus and off that I knew nothing about, he avoided me for the last few weeks when my life went to shit, he was cozy with a blonde in the library, then all of sudden after the fire incident happens, he appears and is attached to me by the hip!" I try so say something but before I can she continues. 

"It doesn't even end there! I have been trying to be intimate with him for months, but today is the day he chooses to indulge me. He went out to get condoms dammit! Then I grabbed my stuff, found my supposedly missing phone in one of his drawers and ran my ass over here before I had a complete melt down!" Renee is holding her knees to her chest and rocking as she breathes deep.

"Girl, you had sex today?" I almost giggle as I ask, looking at her in shock. I thought only I had lost my damn mind. 

"Is that all you heard out of this whole conversation Bel? No, we didn't have sex, but he was ready and willing, and he never was before. What changed? Why now when I'm at my most vulnerable?" She looks up at me eyes glistening and i can see the confusion and slight fear. 

"Look babe, it may not be normal but it's not off the wall for the man that wants to be your world to take photos of you. You are HIS world. Alot of girls would kill for a man to be solely obsessed with just them to the extent Theo seems to be. Two, maybe he put your phone away to help you recover without distractions. Three, Theo is a sweet guy, he was trying to respect you by getting to know you before you guys got intimate and the fact that you ran out on him probably broke his heart...AGAIN. Girl, that poor man is just going through a hurricane with you, isn't he?" I giggle trying to lighten the mood and relieve some of that fear. Do I truly believe Theo is all clear, absolutely not but I need her to not panic so I can find out what's really going on myself. 

"Bel this is not funny, am I really overthinking this?" She looks at me hopefully and I nod my head in reassurance rubbing her shoulder in support. 

"So not to change the topic but I have tea." I tell her. She cuddles up on my bed and smiles telling me to spill it. I give her a shortened version of my run in with Carson and the text along with a few more I have yet to answer. She laughs and teases me about having all the hot guys crazy about me and I brush her off happy that she is relaxing a bit. 

There's something we need to discuss though. I know she may not be ready, but that man saved me. We need to figure out what the hell happened that night and who is trying to hurt her. I thought about Theo wanting revenge, but that guy is so passive I can't see it, then I thought about another one of the girls who probably wanted either Theo or Andre who may just be jealous. A lot of girls have been throwing sly remarks at her across campus, bitches, all of them. 

"Do you think he did it?" I whisper. She freezes, looks at me and bites her lip. Waiting on her answer I lean back and look at my phone. A message from Cole. I ignore it. 

"No. No, I don't but I have no idea who would try to set him up and ruin his future like this. What bothers me more is they used ME to do it? Why would he run through that building for me? He looked destroyed when i found him calling out my name as if I were in that building burning. He would burn for me." She finishes. I nod agreeing with her. 

"He did burn for you but found me instead. He scooped me up when I was on the verge of passing out, calling your name and covering me without even looking at me before rushing me out of the room the safety. I hate to say it but, I think he really cares about you even if he did hurt you." I give her a small smile and allow her to process. 

"I need to find out, now." she finishes in a strong confident voice, and I look up at her in shock. Well alright then now we're out to play. 

Cole's POV

I'm laying across my bed texting Bella, who has seen my message and not replied by the way and my eye twitches. The door to my Single room opens and I know immediately who it is. Only one person has the emergency key, Theo. I look up to see him pacing my room floor mumbling to himself and pulling his hair. Looks like he's finally cracked. 

"Shooter." I call out, he doesn't reply. I call out again, nothing. Not one with much patience i throw my lucky basketball at his head and he unconsciously catches it. Stopping to look at me and the ball in his hands with shocks. I smirk. I knew that would do it, even in a frenzy his coordination is impeccable. 

"Are you going to tell me what has you in a tizzy or are you going to keep bitching about it by yourself?" I sit up and tap the bed for him to hop on. I hate people in my space, but He and Bella are the only exceptions. He throws himself down, his 7 ft frame hanging off of the bed and hides his face in his arm. 

"I lost her." he mumbles. 

"What? Speak up or shut up." I push him. 

"I lost her man, FUCK. She found the photos I took of her and her phone I hid. She seduced me to lead me to think she was okay with it, riled me up where I was so hard it fucking hurt then told me we needed protection for our first time. She had me convinced, I bought flowers and her favorite chocolate, candles and wine. When I got back...." he pulls at his hair breathing hard while I keep a straight face. Renee really did a number on him this time, but this was Childsplay. 

"Sit up bro and just listen. No words needed. Sometimes, you get more with honey than vinegar especially when they expect the vinegar. She thinks you're going to come at her upset because she left but you aren't. Instead, you're going to play her game, act as if everything is normal and you didn't even care that she abandoned you in a moment of vulnerability and potential passion." He scoffs at that, and I smirk. 

"She won't let me get close to her; well, I know how to fix that." Just then my phone rings and I see Bella's response that she and Renee are in her room. That she will be spending some time alone with Renee for a while and won't be sleeping in my room. My jaw twitches. Is this about Renee or is this about last night? Bella hates feeling vulnerable, shit so do I but I'm not avoiding her. No. She doesn't get to push me away or make that choice. I pull up her location and freeze. She's off campus moving along the I-95. Oh Bella, my little star is a rotten liar. I smirk and look up at Theo who is looking curiously at me. 

"Pack a bag for the weekend. We have somethings to handle."  I jump from off of my bed and start throwing things in my duffle. If she didn't want to leave Renee, she didn't have to. I would do one better, but she still had me in the process as it should be. This is a lesson she needs to learn before it becomes a habit. There is no Isabella or Cole its only us. Theo needed to teach the same lesson to Renee, and I was a great sensei.  I guess we both have girls to Tame & Claim.

Savage Six: EquinoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora