Happy Birthday Rowling

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Now, as we all know, today is a very important day.

This could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career,

Sorry, couldn't resist, page 5 of the Chamber of Secrets! XD

Nope, its Harry Potter and J.K Rowling's birthday.

I don't have much time, I have to watch the movies all day and possibly all night! 19hrs and 58 mins, not including the long part at the beginning as you're waiting for the menu that basically gives away the whole movie.

(Yes this is the same thing I'm saying in every other Harry Potter fanfiction book I have I siriusly don't have time)

So I'm updating everything Harry Potter

And here's the marauders singing Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!

So go fly on your broom!

Do what ever you want to!

And stay away from cat food!

Happy Birthday to you!

You can act like you're two!

Owls will come from everyone

Except You Know Who!

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