Brightest Star in the Sky

773 48 16

What's the brightest star in the sky?

Me, obviously.



Technically, when you say "the sky" that includes both day and night. Our sun is in fact, a star, and it gives off enough light to block out all other stars in the day time on our planet. Of course, when you say the sky, you could mean every star that ever existed, and there are millions, even billions of stars that are brighter than the Sun or Sirius, but it takes thousands of light years for their light to reach us so we don't get the full extent. If you mean "the sky" as in relative to Earth, then the Sun is the brightest star. If you exclude day, and mean the ''night sky" then yes, the brightest star would be Sirius.

Would you like some aloe for that burn?

What's burning who's hurt?!

It's just an expression, James. -__-

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