I dare you to...

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I dare you to swim in the black lake

At night

Remember to feed the giant squid

I dare you to jump off the astronomy tower with a school issued broom

Those get better in the future, you know

I dare you to read and entire book from the restricted section

Permission not required

I dare you to set a dung bomb off in Snape's classroom

I mean Slughorn


I dare you to crash a car into the Whomping Willow

It's not fun, trust me

I dare you to wake Sirius up before noon on a Saturday

I dare you to call a hippogriff a horse


Someone should have taught you how to dare better.

I dare you to eat ice cream in the library

And I dare you to write in one of the library books

Either way, you're not getting out alive

So who's actually going to do these dares?

. . .

*now would be the moment when everyone looks up and simultaneously says "Peter" but you can't do that over texts*

Or I could just say I volunteer Peter as tribute

I agree with Potter and Black

Pettigrew. Make him do it.

He deserves it

Now you understand why Crookshanks wanted to eat him

I said I was sorry, Hermione. Just drop it.

You said sorry to Crookshanks

Can you two stop? Just until we get back to our own time?

I don't know what's going on

You've just been volunteered to preform the dares


Ha. Hope you like the hospital wing

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