Chapter 16

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A/N: I changed the rank "sweet butts" to "souleaters". I wanted to give them a different name from the beginning but couldn't find a good name for them. I tried to edit all of the chapters but I might have missed some. I'm sorry if I did and caused some confusion. Let me know if I missed some, I would appreciate it. 

ALSO, because i'm an inpatient bitch, prologues for the other members in this series will be posted. That is it though. Only the prologue. They have noting to do with the clubs current state, so you're free to read them without spoiling everything. 


• Levi • 

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• Levi • 

I have a dilemma going on right now. I want to pissed off for being manhandled but on the other hand i'm also strangely turned on by it.  I feel more pissed than turned on though, because I have no idea what the hell Mayhem's problem is. 

He hasn't said much since he threw me on the bed and is just staring at me with that glare of his. Shivers go down my spine because of his dark and dangerous aura, his whole demeanor is a big turn on for me. You would think I would be smart enough to stay away from man like him. Hell, from all man together. But nope, I feel intrigued by him.

"Are you going to actually say something or are you just going to keep staring at me?" I try to get up from the bed but he quickly steps towards me, pushing me back on the mattress without even touching me. I hate the control he seems to have over me and I hate it even more that I didn't even notice it before now. 

"Saw shouldn't have thrown you out" he tells me with that low voice of his. "I tried to calm him down but he only recently saw some sense, he will visit you soon."  I lift one of my eyebrows, he didn't really barge in here just to tell me this right?

"I was pissed off this week and I don't know why." I keep my eyebrow up, because I really don't know what his point is.

Mayhem stays quiet, like he expects me to have all the answers for him. "You really piss me off." He says when I just keep looking at him.

"I'm a very lovely person when you get to know me" I joke back. He makes me feel uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. My feelings are a mess and I start to realize I actually missed his stalkerish behavior. I missed his burning gaze and the feeling of his presence around me. 

Before I try to get up again, he puts his knee on the mattress, in between my legs and pushes forward making me lean back until the back of my head hits the mattress. Mayhem puts his big hand next to my head and hangs over me. He leans in, his mouth close to my ear. 

"I hate you but I want you. Don't ask me why. Don't fight me." His warm breath is close to my ear and I wait for my fight response. It doesn't come, even when I feel big hands sliding down my body. My neck, breasts, stomach, hips and tights all burn up from his touch. I feel vulnerable and I don't like it. I want to hate the feeling of him on top of me but I feel safe. 

His breathing becomes harsher in my ear and my own breathing starts to match  his. My panic hits me like a truck when his hand goes into my panties, my breathing quickens and my eyes widen. My hands go to his broad shoulder and I struggle to push him off. "Get off me" I hiss, half afraid he will just continue what he started without any regards towards my feelings. 

His weight immediately comes off and I feel myself calm when I drown in his intensive dark eyes. When the hell did he manage to get so much control over me? 

Without a word he let's himself fall to the side and cuddles me into his chest. Shocked, I look at his chest, not really knowing what happened. I also never slept with a man before, other than that one time when Mayhem rudely came into my room a few day ago.

Should I push him away or just go with the flow? It doesn't seem like I have a choice since the big arms around me tighten and smother me even closer to his warm body. 

My eyes start to feel heavy and my brain is in a happy fuzzy and exhausted  state. Within minutes, I fall asleep, trusting a man for the first time in my life. 


I wake up being half chocked to death. Big arms are crushing me on a hard surface that seems to be a chest. I try to lift my head but I have no luck, the arms are to tightly wrapped around my head and neck. "Dude, air. Need air. DUDE."

I use my elbows to wake up the caveman that is beneath me. Mayhem starts groaning and rolls over. "DUDE" I hiss, now crushed under his body instead of on top of him. "What." My god his morning voice is to die for. Literally since i'm currently suffocating.  

Is see him narrowing his eyes against the light before tilting his head. The corners of his mouth lift up a little but his face stays neutral otherwise. "Didn't know you were there." He rolls over again and sits up, taking me with him like a rag doll and wipes his face with his hand. "Are you trying to be funny right now?" I say when I manage to get out of his iron grip and stumble out of the bed. 

Mayhem just shrugs and yawns, making him less frightening and more adorable. Fuck.Okay, those thoughts need to stop right now. 

"Well, it was uh great. You can like, leave now." I go on the usual search for clothes while trying to ignore the eye candy that is sitting in my bed. "Not going to happen." I stop looking to the ground and give him my best glare. "And why is that?" I dare him.

"Because I want to know what the fuck is happening with me and you. Like I said, I hate you or I should hate you. I hate everyone of the opposite sex but I can't seem to get you out of my head. Just play along until I figured out what the hell this is and then we can both go our own ways."

"Excuse me but I don't really feel like being an experiment so you can figure out your own fucked up mind. Find out on your own." Before he can say anything, I leave the room to make myself some coffee. It's early in the morning so Haru is definitely asleep, which is a disadvantage to me right now. We could team up and bully him out of our apartment. Maybe.

While waiting for the coffee I lit up my morning cigarette and lean against the counter, looking out of the window. The view is beautiful, miles and miles of dessert. The view is calming making me feel like i'm the only one in the world. A little bird lands on the balcony, looking for food or shelter. 

Inhaling the smoke of my cigarette, I think about the man that is currently in my bedroom.  I feel like I just had a one night stand without the sex and it really is confusing the hell out of me. He confused the hell out of me. 

A ping indicates the coffee is ready and I move to fix myself a cup before a big shadow leans over me and a handsome face leans in front of mine. Before I can tell him to get the fuck out of my face he grins, making him devastatingly handsome. 

"You don't really have a choice in this matter darling." He tells me and I know i'm fucked. 

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