Chapter 11

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• Mayhem • 

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• Mayhem • 

"Why did you agree with her Saw, club rules are there for a reason!" I lean back in my chair, listening to Chaos who is currently raging on Saw. 

To say the least, I was surprised by Levi's reaction to Saw's announcement to making her friend a sweet butt. It was like she changed into a completely different person in a matter of seconds. It got me the most painful boner I've ever gotten in my life.

"Do  I have to remind you again that I am the President of this club now, Chaos? You might be a Founder, but you are disrespecting me, in front of my brothers." Saw growls. He looks pissed, but not as pissed as Chaos. "You wanted a taste of her Chaos? Is that it, ya dirty old man" Irish grins, leaning back in  his chair with his arms hanging over the chair. He seems to be the only one who was truly enjoying this.

"Shut the fuck Irish, now is not the time for your bullshit comments." Chaos hisses, his teeth grinding together. I might be the only one who noticed, but Irish had a point. When that little hot piece of ass walked in together with Levi, I saw Chaos looking at her with a very interested look. He liked his girls young, we all knew that. Not the jail bait kind or the illegal kind of young, but a couple of years younger was definitely his preference. 

"You ain't fooling me Chaos, we all know what kind of pussy you like" Irish said, completely ignoring the anger that was coming off Chaos. Chaos hit the wooden table with his fist before getting up from his chair and walk towards Irish. He grabbed the huge man by his cut and yanked him of his chair. "I told you to shut the fuck up" "Sit down Chaos." We look at Saw, who is rubbing his forehead. 

"This girl is like a sister to my sister. That makes her my sister, whenever you like it or not. I don't want to throw you out of the club because you listen to your dick more than your President. Am I clear? Hands off Chaos."

Chaos looked everything except happy, but his anger cooled when Saw told him he would treat the girl like she was his sister. Chaos might be a pervert and an asshole, but he cared about his children. "Fine."

"She is hot though" Irish said, still hanging in Chaos grip. "Irish shut the fuck up" Saw sighs, the corner of his mouth slightly moving up with amusement. 

"You might want to tell the brothers that they shouldn't touch her, they weren't taking your sister serious" Whiskey says, his arms folded in front of his wide chest. "They should, that girl was serious" Maker added, shaking his head. Sherlock, who was sitting next to Maker, nodded his head in agreement with Maker. Jaded, who hadn't said a word was just looking forward, not caring abut anything that was happening.

"Sherlock, did you find anything on my sister?" Saw asks him, like he had forgotten he was here. " Yeah, there is nothing." 

I frown, that was suspicious. "What do you mean nothing" I ask him with a low voice. It was the first time I had opened my mouth since the beginning of this Church. Like Jaded, I liked to stay quiet. I was the VP however, so sometimes I had to speak up, much to my irritation. I never wanted to be the VP, but the guys trusted me and it helped their decision since I was Saw's closest brother.

"Like I just said. Nothing. No social media, no school records, no driver licence, no medical records. Nothing."

"Maybe she gave us a false name" Cig guessed, a cigar hanging out of the corner of his mouth, unlighted. "That's possible. We can ask her" Sherlock says. "Yeah good luck with that one, she fucking hates our guts right now" Irish laughs. 

I grunt in response, because that was probably the case. I told them all from the beginning that suggesting Levi to give her girl up for fucking the brothers was a big mistake. I could tell from the beginning she was very protective of her, when she walked in with the tiny girl that was only an inch or so smaller than her. 

Saw was not having it when I told him that however, holding on to the club rules. I crack my neck and look at Saw, who was deep in thought. "Let's end Church here, we will talk about this tomorrow. And other business" When he said the latter part he looked at Whiskey. Whiskey just nodded and got up from his chair. We all followed and walked out of Church.

I look towards the stairs and shake my head. I'm not sure why I even bother thinking about Levi, she is hot but I would never want anything with her. I don't do woman, in any form of the context. 

I walk to the bar and see Whiskey had already taken his spot. I ask for a bottle of whiskey, earning a grin from Whiskey and start drinking myself in oblivion. 


"ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU'D RATHER BE WITH THAT SLUT THAN ME? I AM YOUR WIFE, YOU SHOULD WANT ME!" I lift my head away from the comic book I'm reading when I hear my step-mom screaming downstairs. I immediately start sweating, knowing what will happen to me on nights like this.

I turned 10 last week but like always, my father and step-mom just spent the day fighting. My dad calls my mom a bitch and I was wondering why he was still with her. I hated her but every time I told my dad that, he just nodded his head in agreement. The screaming abruptly stopped when I hear a door slam close and my heart starts beating faster. I jump off my chair, hitting my hip against the desk and dive in my bed. I shove my blanket over my head but I know I can't hide from this. 

My door slowly opens and I start to tremble. "I know you are awake honey" my step-mom says with a soft voice. The blankets are ripped off my body and I turn around, staring at the "bitch". She is smiling, a dreamy look in her eyes and sits down next to me. 

"You love me right, unlike your dad? You want me here, right?" I don't say anything, just staring at her in fear. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling powerless. I want to shove her away, but she is stronger than me. She is muscled, stronger than the other woman around me and I am still small. My dad told me he was also a late grower. Only getting his growth spurt when he was 16. 

My step-mom's face changes when she sees my reaction and grabs my neck, cutting off my air supply. "Stop looking at me like that, with the same face as your god damn father. You will love me, right? You can love me in his place? You need to love me." She looks crazy. 

I grab her hand, trying to get myself free but she is too strong. By tiny hands are nothing in comparison to her stronger ones. 

She straddles my body while slapping my face with her other hand. "It's all your daddy's fault, okay? For always cheating on me. You are perfect, you look just like him. You won't cheat on me like he does. I love you honey."

My pajama pants are forced down and I feel her hands around my little penis. I close my eyes, not wanting to cry. My dad told me to never show tears, it makes a man look weak.

I wish I was more like my dad. If I was, I would've been able to make her disappear from my life forever. 

"I only have you Davon, only you. I love you" she whispers, excitement clear in her voice.

For the rest of my life, I will always hate my name. 


Well, that was hard to write. 

I know sexual abuse is a very sensitive topic. It doesn't only happen towards woman. But also towards men. I've read several books with this topic in it and sometimes I cringe at the way it is portrayed afterwards. How the characters handle it. It's not something that just disappears when you find someone you love. Maybe it does for some people, I can't speak for everyone, but I've read books where woman were raped in the book and were able to have sex like the day after. It just doesn't work like that, it takes a lot of work to get over shit like that. Respect towards all the survivors of sexual abuse. 

Thank you for reading. Sorry for the heavy topics.

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