Chapter 12

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• Levi •

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• Levi •

Someones elbow hits me in my neck, roughly waking me up. Narrowing my eyes against the sunlight that is shining through the window that is just above to my bed, I turn my head to the side and find Haru in a troublesome position. Haru's head is weirdly places in-between the corner of the wall and the headboard of my bed. Her elbow is pressing in my neck and her leg is laying over my stomach. I had forgotten that Haru is a energetic sleeper, sleeping in weird positions and moving a lot. 

Gently, I push her leg off my body and trow my legs of the bed to sit up. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I let out a yawn. According to the light that is coming through the window, it is probably around noon and we should get up. My stomach is agreeing to that idea immediately.

While getting up I give Haru a shake to wake her up but she just hisses like an animal and curls herself up against the wall. Haru is even worse in the mornings than me, well, worse at waking up than me. 

I walk towards the bathroom and take off my clothes, throwing them in a corner and step under the shower. The cold water wakes me up and my mind drifts back to the situation that had accoured the night before. Anger starts bubbling inside me again when I shut off the shower. Naked I brush my teeth and I give my dreads a rough shake while drying them with a towel. I walk back into my room, not bothering drying off my body and put on some clothes before giving Haru another push.

"Leave me the fuck alone." Haru growls. "Cut the bullshit, we need food" I tell her when I sit back on the bed to put on my boots. She groans again and throws he arms over the bed, spreading herself out like some sort of starfish. "I can go without food." I slap her on the stomach with a flat hand, making her groan again and get my knife and gun from the nightstand. 

"We don't live like that anymore. Wake up." Slowly Haru sits up, pulling her legs close to her body and rests her chin on her knees. "What happened yesterday? When you brother wanted to talk?" I turn around to face her and think about how the hell I should tell her that my brother wanted to turn her into another cum dumpster. 

"They wanted you to "work" for your place here." I've always be honest with her, so why stop now. I watch Haru carefully because I know she would understand the meaning of what I just told her. Her eyes darken and she is now fully awake. "Excuse me?" Haru's voice is shaking a little. Anger is evident on her face and voice.

"I shot that down, obviously. Like I would let that happen." I get up from the bed and search for my cigarettes. "Want one?" I ask her when I find them but she just shakes her head. I light the cigarette and lean against the wall, putting one of my hands in the pocket of my black ripped jeans. "I can't believe they would ask that of you? Are women nothing more than sex objects for men?" 

I just shrug, not really caring what men think. Sex means nothing to me anymore. I get laid when I feel the urge but I need to have complete control over the situation, tying men up before doing anything sexual. Haru also likes the control, but doesn't have sex. My theory about why she stripped is that she liked the control she could have over men. Men drooling over her, but not being able to touch her.

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