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That picture haunted me. The one of my mom and Mr. Finely. He wasn't lying, to me about that much.

I felt as if I didn't know who my mom was at all anymore. She wasn't who she posed to be.

"I wouldn't stress it." Elise said as she sat on my bed. "Everyone has there own their own little secrets."

"I know that, but he hasn't talked to me since." I tell her. It was true. It been a week since I told Liam about my mom, and I haven't heard a word from him since.

"You guys should just start dating already. I mean you're basically a couple anyways."

"Cool it, Elise. I don't need to date anyone right now." I say to her.

"Andi, your father said he's not going to be home for dinner, so I thought I would just go and grab pizza," Sara said  in the doorway.

"That's fine." I tell her.

"She's nice. I don't know why you don't like her," Elise says in a hushed voice.

"It's a complicated disliking." And that it was. She was nice. But something in couldn't shake off the fact that it was supposed to be my mom in her place. I'll always have that grudge.

"Well, you're lucky she's not some evil bitch that does crack on the weekends."

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I then ask following up her specific description.

"I'm just saying. But you really have to just give her a chance. Like as your dads girlfriend, instead of your mom. No ones going to replace her." Elise knew my worries without me even having to saying them.

"I know." I confess quietly. "But she would know what to do in a time like this. Especially with James and Autumn being pregnant and Liam."

Elise sits up and looks at me with a serious look. She then gets up and rips a piece of paper out of my notebook and takes a pen out of my drawer.

She hands them to me and says,"write it down. Write like your writing to her. It seems stupid and something that a therapist would make you do but I promise, it helps. My mom had me do this when our dog died when I was 7," She then laughs.

I laugh along with her an take the paper and pen from her. "I will."

And I did. After Elise had left and everything was settled for the night, I sat at my desk and wrote to her. There was so much to say, it was like I had nothing to say at all.

How could I write down nearly 10 years of life on a single sheet of paper? The more I thought about it, the less I wanted to do it, because the more I thought about it, the more questions I wanted to ask. But she can't answer them. However there was someone that maybe could.

With that I got in my car and started to drive.

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