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"Andria?" I hear a voice breathe behind me.

I turn around and see Liam's Dad  standing an awkward distance from me. I wait to hear what he has to say.

"How do you know my name?" I ask him, skeptical. It seemed like he was staring straight through me soul, and even with the little light we had, I could still see the coldness in his eyes.

"Liam told me." He said in a monotone. I was mesmerized by the fact that he didn't blink once. "You see he has trouble making friends." He now displayed normal signs of life, such as moving, and finally moving his eyes around. "I just think that you and him could be good friends."

I pause before saying, "you're asking me to be your sons friend?"

He leans in closer to me. "I'm just trying to make things easier for him. You see his mother and I got a divorce. He's not taken it to well, so don't ever mention or talk about it. Liam'll completely break down and have an anxiety attack, if you do."

I nod my head subtly. He gets one last look at me before turning around and going back into the cafe. I watch him slowly walk back to the cafe.

Liam has trouble making friends. His voice rang in my head as I walked back home. I passed by "The Grill" a nice restaurant when I saw something I did want to see.

I look closer through the transparent glass and see my dad. However he wasn't with his coworkers. No, he was with some dark haired girl, having wine, and sharing a dessert.

I stare at them laughing together, and realize that I didn't recognize him at all. At that moment he wasn't my father, he was some man going out on a date with some girl.

I rip my eyes from the scene and start walking faster home as another thought starts to form in my mind. How many dates has he been on? How many girls has he been with?

I fumble with the key to unlock the front door with tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I quickly open the door and see James sitting there with Autumn on the couch.

I try to precisely form a sentence in my head, but under the circumstances, I couldn't.

"You knew." I say towards him, forgetting that Autumn was sitting next to him. "You knew that Dad was going out. On dates, with other girls." My voice got quieter and started to crack.

He looks at me, trying to cover up his guilt, however his face answered all my questions.

I shake my head at him before going to my room, shutting and locking my door.

"Andi, let me explain." I hear him after a minute or so at my door. "Just open the door." He pleads.

I stay there, laying my bed, letting my tears fall freely. I start at the picture of my mother, and wondered how she would feel right now.

Yeah, people move on when their spouse passes away from a unpreventable disease, or when they get a divorce. But not when the one whom you loved gets brutally murdered. How do you move on from that? I can't just go out and choose a new mom, because it doesn't work that way. And it shouldn't.

What makes it different with my dad. Why is it ok for him to choose a new wife? He says that he'll never forget her no matter what, but how do we measure that validity of that?

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