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After James leaves I hear my phone ring and see that Liam was calling again.

"Hello?" I answer with a smile.

"Help." He stares simply with a chuckle.

"I need a little more context than that." I say.

"Math. I need to pass the final so I don't fail the class and have to take summer school." Liam explained. "You free right now?"

"Yeah. Are you just going to come over?"

"If I can." He says in a hopeful tone.

"Sure. You know where I live," I then tell him.

"Ok see you in a bit." I could hear the smile in his voice as he hung up. I curl my lips under my teeth, as I felt the butterflies awake in my stomach.

I go and sit on the couch when his fathers words rang in my head. Grace was a beautiful girl. You're much like her, because you're a liar.

I shudder at the thought of his cold voice. I feel goosebumps appear on my arms and down my back. My mother wasn't a liar, I tell myself. She wasn't.

I try to get him out of my head before his son comes over, but I couldn't. When Liam arrived, I saw his father in him. So much of his father. Same body type, same hair, same eyes even. But Liam's were kind and soft. He differed from his father in the subtlety of his facial features. They weren't harsh like his fathers.

"Andi?" I hear Liam call. I snap back to reality when he asks, "do I have something on my face?"

I feel the apples of my cheeks burn as I shake my head.

"Sorry, I was just spacing out." And with that I get my math notebook out of my bag.

He flashes me that famous smile and I instantly forget that he's his fathers son. That and the quadratic formula helped clear my mind of him.

We work at the kitchen table for about an hour and a half before Liam claims that he's done for the night.

"Where's the rest of your family?" He asks.

"God knows where my grandma is, dads either still at work or with Sara, and James is at his girlfriends apartment," I tell him closing my math book.

"Sara's his girlfriend?" He asks lightly.

I nod my head slightly as I pull my knees up to my chest. "She's not that bad. I met her. And she's not that wicked." I smile.

Liam laughs and I find myself staring at him once again. However this time I was staring at him. And how I felt myself slowly start to grow a stronger liking towards him. It wasn't like I wanted to, I had no control. I believe that's why they call it falling for someone.

When you're falling, you have no control. You're almost in this blissful state before you remember that you're falling. After that you just wish that that person is waiting at the bottom to catch you. What a scary thought.

"Andi, you're staring again." Liam says as he puts his hand on my knee.

I squint my eyes shut before saying,"Sorry."

"You ok?" He then asks taking his hand off my knee. He puts his elbows on the table and leans closer to me.

"Yeah," I breath. "Just a lot going on." I can't tell him about James. It was a secret that I wasn't even suppose to know.

I put my feet on the ground before getting up and go to the fridge. "You want anything?" I ask.

"I'm ok," he said softly as he got up from the table. "I should get going, my dad's here."

I close the fridge door at his words and turn around to see him gathering all of his papers in his binder.

I walk him to the front door where he stops before I'm able to open the door. "Thanks for the free tutoring session." He smirks.

"Whoever said it was free?" I ask scrunching my brows.

He stares into my eyes before bending down and planting a sweet, simple kiss on my lips.

It was so quick that my mind didn't have time to process what was happening. A good thing.

"Consider that the payment." He whispers before a car horn honks. Without hesitation he slips out the front door, where his father was sitting in the drivers seat staring me down through the window.

I move away from the window and sit back at the kitchen table. My finger goes to my lips. Liam's touch was so different from Jakes. It was almost foreign to me.

But it was just a cheeky kiss. He only did it as a joke, because to boys, that's all I am.

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