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I lay in bed that night with every single sign of tiredness but no sleep was inevitable. I shut my eyes for what seems like hours only to open them up thirty minutes later. This lasted all night until my alarm went off.

I drag myself out of my bed. I couldn't afford to miss the last two days of school, finals couldn't be made up.

I put on leggings and a T-shirt, while throwing my light brown hair in a bun. The ride to school was silent and solemn. None of us said a word until I got out of the car. Dad said his daily "I love you, have a good day."

I walk to my locker, then at a bench with my history textbook open. I wasn't studying, I was avoiding all human contact.

"Hey, Andi," A familiar voice said. My plan didn't work.

I look up to see Liam, with the biggest smile on his face.

"So I went to Mr. Ramirez..." he dragged out. "Passed with a solid 83%," He then finishes with a smile.

I force a smile onto my face. "I told you." I then say to him.

I see his face drop before he asks, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I say quietly. "I'll tell you later." I then say as I know that he's not buying it.

The bell then rings, and we go opposite directions. The day dragged on more than usual. I don't know if it was because of James or because I wasn't prepared for any of my finals.

I walk out the front gate after our last class was dismissed when Liam caught up with me.

"Hey," he greets with a smile. I smile back not saying anything.

"You doing anything right now?" He then asks.

"No." I answer squinting my eyes from the sun.

"Perfect." His smile got even wider and his eyes grew even brighter if that was even possible. They were so blue. Like a sky blue, the ones you could stare out for hours. "Because in celebration of the last day of school I'm taking you to get ice cream."

"Really?" I challenge jokingly. "How are we getting there? Neither of us have a car."

Liam winks at me as he takes my hand and pulls me to an white Forerunner. I look at him in disbelief.

"My Dad got a new car so he gave me his old car." He explains.

I get in the passenger seat as he starts the engine. I stare out the window, feeling the wave a relief that I didn't have to be back at school for another 3 months.

"So consider this payment for the tutoring." He then states as he kept his eyes on the road.

I look over at him before saying, "You already paid me." I felt my cheeks warm up at the thought.

Liam chuckles, as he glances quickly over at me.

"That was just the down payment."

I laugh at his words, but don't say anything after that. This is what I need. Someone who makes everything else seem irrelevant. Because at that moment I wasn't worrying about James, or my dad, or how I did on my history final. He made all of that disappear.

However nothing goes away for good. Bliss wouldn't be bliss if it were all the time.

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