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I woke up the next morning to my alarm screaming at me at 6:00 a.m. I roll over to turn it off and slowly get out of bed.

I go through the steps of my daily routine and throw on a jacket before I leave, as for once, it was raining in California.

"Ready Andi?" I hear my dad call.

I grab my backpack and follow him to his car. He takes me to school everyday. I have my license, but no car, as James got moms car because he's older.

"Bye sweetie, have a good day," Dad says as he kisses my cheek.

"I will," I say quietly, as I hurry out of the car and to under the awning. I walk to my first period, which was sadly math.

"I'm guessing it's raining outside, Ms. Lowry?" Mr. Ramirez asks me, looking at the water droplets on my light blue sweatshirt. I nod my head at him, looking at the damage the rain did.

"Oh, and there's a new student, and an empty seat next to you, so be prepared to make a new friend today, Ms. Lowry," he adds.

"Will do," I say heading to my seat. I had a good relationship with most of my teachers, I mean your stuck with the majority of them for 180 days, might as well make the most of it.

Kids start piling in the classroom as the bell rings. I wait for the new kid, but they never arrive.

"Alright, sit down, lets learn about asymptotes. They're  way cool," Mr. Ramirez starts.

I get out my notebook, when I hear the door creak open, and the heels of our principal.

"Mr. Ramirez, this is Liam Finley. He seemed to have gotten lost on his way to your class." Our principal Mrs. Oliver states.

"Welcome to math, Liam." Mr. Ramirez smiles. "You'll be sitting next to Andria, over there."

Liam starts to walk over to the empty desk and sits down. "You're Andria?" He asks quietly. He looked up at me with these icy blue eyes that contrasted his dark brown hair. 

"Yeah, and you're Liam," I state. He lets out a chuckle, and Mr. Ramirez continues his lesson.

After his lesson we had about 20 minutes to do our math homework that was assigned for the day.

"So, are you from out of district or...?" I ask him as I start to get my math textbook out.

"Out of state, actually. I'm from Ohio," He then says.

I look over at him. "Oh, me too. I moved here when I was 7 though," I say looking at him.

"Why?" He then asks me, not making eye contact.

"Oh...um, my dads work got transferred over here," I tell him, getting uncomfortable.

"You couldn't stay with your mom?" He then asks with hard eyes.

"No. She passed away," I tell him. It's wasn't a lie.

"Oh, I didn't mean-"

"I know. No one does, but what about you? Why'd you move here?" I ask quickly changing the subject.

"My family just needed a fresh start." He says with a small smile.

From there he didn't talk or mention anything else, he just did his work in silence.

Turns out that we have multiple classes together including English and Spanish. However he gave off weird feeling that I couldn't explain. He seemed like he didn't come here just because he needed a "fresh start."

"New kids kinda cute, don't you think?" Elise, my best friend, asked me as she sat down at the table for lunch.

"He's a little weird." I say scrunching my eyebrows. "He told me he's from Ohio," I tell her taking a bite out of my sandwich.

Elise pauses for a second before saying, "Did you guys know each other?"

"Not everyone from Ohio knew each other." I tell rolling my eyes. "And besides, I choose to not remember that place, so I wouldn't know if I knew him or not." I tell now picking at my sandwich.

"I know." Elise says quietly. She was really the only one that knew what had happened, and I planned on keeping it that way. "But besides that point and his awkwardness, he pretty cute." And with that said she pooped a grape in her mouth.

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