Just The Start Of What You're Gonna Read...

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Hi my name is Faith Daniels, I'm 17 years old, 5ft 6 with the most ironic look of a scottish person that you could possibly ever meet. I got it all!! the freckles(although most people barely notice it), the pale skin and the firey red locks that flow down my back. My friend, Luce, used to call me that disney character, Brave, although I lack a lot of courage these days. My temper is as firey as my hair and used to get me in a lot fights in school...it always ended the same way though. A bruise here and a black eye there; basically, it's not pretty sight once they finish with me. I've lived a farely hard life, my mother and father should've just abandoned me if they don't give a rat's ass if I live or die!! I grew up in New York City in a run down apartment that had a drug dealer on every floor. I went to one of the toughest schools in the neighbourhood since my mother didn't care about my education...she believes I'm gonna become as screwed up as her but I wasn't just gonna waste my life away like she did!!! I went to the library everyday, read every single science book that you could study from. I aced my exams like it was no big deal, although the beating I recieved from my dumb classmates was one of the painful ones I had ecountered!!But my hard work paid off, I recieved a scholarship to go to ICU University. I guess that shows my parents, they had no belief that I'd be a success in life.

My dream was to be accepted as an outstanding scientist working for the goodness of mankind to find a solution to our main problems to stop our world from dying faster... the truth is, I'm afraid of death, all this talk of  how the world is gonna end due to rumors of the 2nd coming and global warming, it really freaks me out like c'mon! I haven't even began to really live!! I need to find out the truth, because I have this gut feeling that there's more to the end of the world and I'm gonna find out...

This is a story of what I discovered in the small town of Ivonoah; the truth behind the superstition...oh, how I wish I could believe it was  global warming now 'cause death has never been so determined in ending my life.

There will be friendships and there will be love. Some brutal fights will be in store and that final plead to live to see tomorrow. If I knew what I know now....I wouldn't change a thing!!!


But this still doesn't hide the fact that for the time being, I'm running. I don't know why but I'm running for my life. They trapped me already  and they keep telling me I'm safe... But when the world we've grown to love and life as we know it, takes a turn towards danger, the only thing you can do is run. 

I know the secret and now I can't forget it!

I know Kael will be after me soon, feeding me his sweet tender lies, reassuring that he'll protect me with his dying breath from the ones after my soul but, I've seen what they're capable of: How they ripped his family apart. If he doesn't find help, he'll slowly turning crazy and I don't wanna be the one responsible...

I don't wanna be like none of them!! I'm normal, at least I thought I was...

He can't protect me forever. He has other responsibilty. I don't know much about my destiny but it doesn't have anything nice in store these days.

My friends; they're all stronger than they think , It's a twisted sick world outside and I can't stop it. I'm not them. I'm a danzel in distress; running from the devil.

And When you can't hide, you run. And where do you run to when there's no way out?

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