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Abbie sat in her car shivering as cops, detectives, ambulance and others involved in the crime scene ran about.

"You know that right?" Detective Sydney rambled on.

"I was sent a text message to come here" Abbie repeated for almost the tenth time. "You both saw the message"

Roxy blew a breath and threw his head in his hand, then signaled for Sidney to follow him.

"This guy knew we were with Abbie, he sent a message to her so that the body would be found" Roxy said "they are in more trouble than we thought"

"This guy has been dead for like an hour, the killer must have had enough time to clear things. I bet nothing would be found in there" Sidney replied.

"I strongly believe that this person is one of their friends. Drake opened the door from inside for him because their was no sign of forced entry"

Roxy looked around, surveying the whole place "And at a place like this, you don't just leave the door open. Meaning our guy must have knocked or called him. Then Drake opened the door from inside because he knew the killer, he trusted the killer." He said.

"The dog didn't bark" Sidney said

"Or it couldn't"

"What does that mean?" She asked looking around and let her eyes rest on the dog ad he shook himself violently.

"It means that I have a dog and he happens to do that when he wakes up from sleep" Roxy explained "my quick guess is that the dog was drugged so that he wouldn't distract the plan"

Sidney nodded in understanding, her ponytail jumping up and down her back. "I found dog food inside the house. The dog ate all, we could carry whatever remnant we find from it for a test"

"I just hope this dude must have made a mistake this time around" Roxy said.

"We don't know for sure if its a guy" Sidney reminded him. "But I do hope we find a lead from this one"

"Yea, gather all the people who were at that homecoming, I want to know their movements and location within the past two hours" Roxy said "this bastard is trying to mess around with me and its not fun!"

"I will look for any of them that has a dog, I am in for some ass kicking today" Sidney shrugged.

"Good" Roxy said "Call in every shop that sells dog food in this town and I need to have the footage of their store in the past few days. If we find nothing there, we continue by looking around in pharmacies around. Any guy that was in the above aforementioned place and was in the homecoming would certainly be our guy!"

Sidney nodded "but for now, all these three ladies need maximum security until we figure out what this is all about"

Roxy nodded "make sure of that too. I would be waiting at the station."

Abbie's POV

I kept staring at them as they talked. I couldn't make out a single thing out of what they were murmuring, I just hoped they didn't think I killed Drake. It would be a complete waste of time and it would endanger my friends.

At least I had the text message in my phone, this killer was making sure he took all credits for his kills, he didn't want anyone to suspect me or anything.

He was clearly showing everyone that I and my friends were totally at his mercy. What scared the shits out of me was that I was sure he knew where I was at the time, he didn't want to kill me yet. I thought he was only after my friends but the horizon has been widened and Drake had been killed.

I didn't understand any of the things going on but I knew one thing for sure, that whatever it is was sure to end in death. Goosebumps ran through my body for the hundredth time that day.

"Hey" I heard a voice say. A voice I recognized so well.

I looked up and my heart immediately melted. It was so funny how much I still crushed on this guy even after years of not seeing him again. After years of dating Drake back then, I didn't know how to explain it but each time I saw him it was like an electric current was awoken to pass through me again.

"Hi Ray" I said blushing instantly. It annoyed me but I still blushed, not that I could help it.

He smiled at me, his sea green eyes soothed the pain I felt away.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He wore a blue well ironed shirt on black trousers, you would never know he is a priest.

"Yea, how did you know?" I asked as he rested his strong hands on my shoulder. Those hands if not for the fact they burnt incense on the altar, they could have so strong to pin me down and do inexplicably things to me and...

I shook my head and mentally slapped myself. How could I think of such after witnessing what I just did. I felt the electricity pass through me again, if he felt my body shake he didn't show it.

"Bad news spread like fire" he said "and by the way Drake sent me a message to come see him as soon as possible. I was having my prayers and didn't see the message until later, so I drove down immediately"

My eyes widened in horror "he sent you a message too!"

He nodded "yea, why?"

"He sent to me too, I hurried down here to find him dead" I answered. "I think we should let the detectives know"

At this point, the detectives were already coming back.

"He was sent a message too by Drake" I informed them.

They glanced at him "you were?" Sidney asked.

"Yes, that's why I'm here" Ray answered.

Roxy rubbed a hand through his head "I suppose you two were the only people he sent the message to. Its either one of you is the next or their is a connection between you two and this psycho" he said "hop into the car lets have a serious conversation at the station. Whatever it is you have with this killer, we are about to find out."


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