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Reid sat staring at Detective Roxy. It had been a tough morning. It had been raining heavily few hours ago and had just stopped for hot sun to take over.  The interrogation didn't really go well just as Roxy expected.

Reid arrived wearing a coat on top of a blue shirt and black trousers, Roxy had led him to the room where they were meant to have a talk but Reid had decided to keep mute for whole two hours, then used the next fifteen minutes to keep smiling and laughing. Finally when he saw Roxy wasn't going to just be frustrated and let go, be D decided to let go and behave.

"You knew Jeanie?" Detective Roxy asked looking him over.

He nodded "I did"

"I looked over your past Reid, it didn't quite look satisfactory" he said.

Reid chuckled "I guess it wouldn't Detective, I had quite a busy past"

Roxy stared at him for sometime "when you went out for the meeting that night, where were you?"
He shrugged "at the meeting with the others"

"So you were there before you heard the cry?"

He nodded "yea, I rushed out with the others"

Roxy ran a hand over his mouth "why do you think someone would want to hurt Jean? I mean everyone thinks she is cool"

Reid huffed "I don't know Detective. I don't even know much about her"

"Much? What is the little you know?" Roxy asked immediately.

Reid glared at him "I just knew her years ago as a snub. I chased her around for so long, you know how frustrating that is. I had to move on" he said looking him straight in the eye.

Roxy rubbed his hand together "was that why you murdered her?"

He was nearly caught off balance but he stood his ground and said "That is a ridiculous thing to say Detective Roxy" he said sternly "I don't even have a dirty record " he said.

Roxy fixed his gaze on him, expecting him to give something away but he didn't.

He just hated something about this arrogant handsome man that sat before him but he couldn't quite place what it was.

"Oh, really?" Roxy said "I understood you disappeared after sometime and just resurfaced"

"I didn't disappear. I was in San Andreas, you can confirm"

Roxy knew he had said the truth " do you remember anything strange that night before the incident? "

He shook his head "I wasn't looking for anything strange, so I found none"

Roxy smiled, trying to conceal the irritation "why do you think someone would have wanted to kill her?"

He folded his arms and shrugged "if I knew that I wouldn't have allowed you to waste almost three hours of my time!"

Roxy nodded his head thoughtfully, then stood up "Do contact me if you remember anything" he said handing over his complimentary card to him.

Reid stood up and without a word, he walked out.

As if Roxy had never felt something so strong, the strength of his certainty that something was wrong overtook him. As he watched the young man walk away, he knew that he needed to watch him closely. But for now, he needed to one more thing.

Interview Stan the assassin.

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