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"How could someone be so heartless" Peggy asked herself as she sank into her seat. It was an hour and a half since she walked out on Abbie and she already missed her. She knew she was just watching out for her but she was big enough to watch out for herself. Plus she wouldn't just run off to a fancy land with him...at least not yet.

"I saw the news!" Her boss rushed into her office, his face red with rage "have you even read the papers Peggy!"

Peggy's face fell "I..."

"I though you said you would handle this. Your friend is getting out of hand" he yelled at her.

Abbie who was a reporter had taken it upon herself to dig up things that had been long laid to rest in the company Peggy worked in. Peggy on her own hand had thought about talking to Abbie on previous occasions about it but she totally forgot.

"I will talk to her right away" she said gently.

"Do it fast if you love your job Peggy!" Her boss snapped.

"I said I would do it now" she snapped.

The man glared at her shocked and even paused, clearly waiting for some sort of apology but Peggy ignored him and took a seat.

"Miss Peggy?" He barked.

"What?" She glared at him, not minding she was talking to her boss. The curtain was open so people could clearly see what was going on inside the house.

"You're talking to your boss in case you've forgotten" he reminded, his face red with rage.

"Of course I know" she snapped back "and that is my friend too. My job is important but my relationship with people is far more important. She is a reporter and she got something to report about!"

"Miss Peggy!"

She raised her brows "oh yes? If there was nothing suspicions here to dig up, she wouldn't have dug anyways. Stop pushing around like stopping reporters is a part of my job deal!"

The boss stared at her quite speechless. From her office she heard people laughing and gasping. Of course nobody had ever spoken up to the almighty Boss who was just so full of himself. It might cause her the job but she had enough savings to get her through till she found another one. Even if it took two years.

She threw her head into her hands as soon as he left. She was just behaving strange and she knew it. She didn't know what it was about but she knew it was about the homecoming. The anxiety and anxiousness to get to the day was weighing heavily on her.

She took up a file and was about to start working on it when her phone beeped. She took a look at it and smiled.

"Hey beautiful" it read. It was a message from Reid. The message was followed by a hot picture of him without any shirt on, then another message "are you feeling as beautiful as I am feeling hot?"

She laughed within herself. Reid had obviously changed within the past few years. She closed her eyes and tried to picture the old Reid she knew. A fat naive young boy who always had his hair all over the place and spoke little. At one time she had made a miserable joke out of him, telling him that the fold in his Tommy reminded him of an old bag of cement. He had broken down before her and he had cried. She could remember calling him a poor emotional bag of fat. He had wailed.

But now all those were past and Reid was here, not for Jeanie but for her. It kind of surprised her, if he was meant to come back for anyone it would be for Jeanie. But time had passed and maybe it passed with his feelings for Jeanie too. It wasn't like she threw herself on him or something, he saw her and took interest in her and he was going to meet with her later in the week.

"Miss Peggy!" Her boss's personal secretary banged on her table.

She jumped "Holy Christ. How long have you been there?"

The young lady smiled slyly "long enough to catch you daydreaming and smiling" she said "and I am intelligent enough to know that you Miss Hottie won't be daydreaming here ever again"

Peggy frowned "what does that mean?" She asked sensing the danger.

The young lady laughed "oh, look how calm she is now. It means you're fired razor mouth" she said and banged the files before her "the boss wanted you to have this and for you to know that you would be paid for the month"

Peggy huffed "that sonofabitch!"

The young lady smiled "off with you hottie"

Her phone beeped, she picked it up and a smile appeared on her lips just when she needed a company the most.

She looked down on her phone and typed "I will see in fifteen Mildred" then she looked up and said to the young woman. "You're the company messenger right? Then give your boss my message, tell him I said he should fuck himself"

The face of the young lady changed from a bright cheeky face to pale white.

Peggy picked up her bag and walked up to her with a look of satisfaction on her face "don't forget to relay the message mailbox"

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