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"What do you mean by you found our guy?" Sydney asked, pulling out of the room after the other men left. "There was nobody bearing that name at the homecoming"

Roxy shrugged "I figured"

"You figured? what is that even supposed to mean?"

"It means that the guy was caught buying dog food in one of the video tapes captured by the security cameras"


"He was also seen around the venue of the party held that night" he replied.

"Is he even among their set?" She asked.

He shook his head "I am about to go have a little more chat with him"

"Can I come?" She pleaded.

He winked at her and signaled that she could.

Few minutes later, they walked into the room. Across the table, sat a boy he looked like he was in his early twenties. As soon as Sydney walked in, he raised his face to stare at her, then he smirked.

"I told you I wasn't gay so you brought someone hotter" he laughed, his eyes lacking the humor his lips showed.

"What is he talking about?" Roxy asked eyeing Sydney suspiciously.

"Disregard everything that flies out of that kid's mouth" Sydney warned.

They both sat down and looked him over, while he smiled and winked at Sydney.

" so you are the killer?" Roxy asked staring him straight in the eyes.

"You don't look that tough, are you his boss?" He asked laughing.

"sorry I forgot to warn you, that he is very annoying" Sydney whispered.

" I heard you are the Killer" Roxy repeated.

He leaned back and winked "you are too hot to be a cop"

Sydney sprang up " look here young man, as you sit here cracking your jokes
Someone is murdering other people's friends, who knows yours might be next"

He shrugged "no one would murder anyone remember I'm in here"

"What does that mean?" Roxy huffed

"It means that I am the murderer and once I'm in here nobody would kill anybody right?"

"So you're the killer?" Sydney blurted.

This time he frowned "For the up tenth time, yes I am!"

"So why would you want to kill those friends?" She asked taking back her seat.

"Why wouldn't I want to?" He replied.

She bit her lip and looked away "How much do you love your face?"

He smiled "Its my selling point, so you bet I love it so much"

She nodded "Good, because I will bash it in so hard on the table that you won't know what hit you. Answer my question with a question and see the drastic change your face would have to suffer"

He frowned deeply when he saw how serious she was.

"I repeat, why would you want to kill all those people?"

"Because I can" he stated

"Because you can? That's the lamest excuse I have ever seen a smart killer give"

"It's a reason and not an excuse" he stated.

Roxy came in "You were spotted roaming the street that night drunk, you were never allowed into the premises. How then did you kill Jeanie?"

The poor boy frowned "They let me in" he answered looking from one cop to another "You already have your guy, arrest me and let me rest! Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Who killed those people?" Sydney asked "We have proof that you weren't granted access into the venue, and you were found buying dog food, another friend who owns a dog died"

"I own a Labrador" he said

"Lies" Roxy said immediately. "We're the cops and we ran a check on you. You own nothing"

He frowned and looked away, then began fidgeting with his hands "I have told you, I killed those people. What makes it so sad to believe"

"I know you didn't do it" Roxy said.

"Why do you think so?"

Sydney held his hands, clearly surprising both men "Look at your eyes, all I see is kindness. You cannot hurt a fly, that's why you're forcing yourself to be so brave" she began "All I see is a handsome man trying to survive, but you won't survive if you keep messing with things like this"


"This is a serious case, someone has killed two friends already and injured one, if you go around taking credits, he could hurt you real bad" when she saw him freeze, she added "and I mean real bad. You don't know who you're messing with"

He swallowed and looked away, in as much as Sydney hated youngsters claiming to be killers, she also hated being the one standing over their bodies in the bag.

"I take it that you understand perfectly" she said.

He looked away, saying nothing.

"Don't be disappointed that I couldn't believe you, but I am sure your mum wouldn't want you dead because of one complete foolery"

His face seemed to darken with what could be called sadness "I did it, you need to believe me"

"We need to?" Roxy asked leaning closer.

He nodded "Or else he would kill her"

The two cops exchanged looks of interest "He would kill who?"

"He will kill her, my mother" he cried and started shaking "If you don't believe me, he will kill my mum"

Sydney held him tighter "Steven look at me, look at me. Take it easy, take a deep breath"

The boy slowly obeyed

"Who will kill your mum?"

"I can't let you know, he would kill me if I talked"

Roxy stood up "You can trust us to protect you. Who will kill your mum?"

"He, he will kill my mum" he began to shake "The artist"

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