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"Oh my God!" The first cop shouted pulling his gun in front of him.

"You've been hiding a gun in this room Mrs Penguin!" The second said in horror.

"Its Peggy and she shot herself!" Peggy screamed at him "she just pulled out the gun and boom!"

At that moment, Abbie came running in "oh my God, what happened here!" She said and as soon as she saw the woman she gasped.

"I heard..." It was the doctor but he was stopped at his tracks at the sight of the blown out brains before him.

"The police are on their way" the first one said "you..."

"You're the police shit head! You were standing there while a psycho walked right through and killed herself, what if my friend was shot!"

"She was from the church, I didn't..."

But a slap on his back stopped him from saying anything more that clearly wouldn't make sense to everyone else but himself!

"You need to leave this room, it has become a crime scene" the second policeman said.

Few minutes later, Roxy and Sidney came running into the reception hall where Abbie and Milly who had rushed in earlier were seated.

Sidney gave Abbie an I-told-you glare.

"Have you seen the girl?" Roxy asked Abbie.

Milly and Abbie exchanged confused looks "it wasn't a girl Detective Roxy, I don't want to be forced to believe that your cops are even more stupid than I thought"

"You have to watch your mouth Abigail. They are officers of the law."Sidney snapped at her.

Abigail eyed her maliciously, she was beginning to have a feeling that she didn't like the female Detective after all.

"Our friend was attacked under the care of those officers Detective! What does that make them? Smart and handsome?" It was Milly now

Roxy raised his hand to quell whatever it was that was on the verge of rising "I wasn't talking about the woman that shot herself ladies. I was talking about her grand daughter"

"What does that mean?" Milly asked "she has a grand daughter that is here?"

Roxy nodded "fifteen, tall brunette, bilingual and a crying mess"

"Her grandmother just left her in the high, entered the room and shot herself!" Milly huffed "that sounds crazy"

"It does because that's not what happened" Sydney said taking a seat "you should listen more"

Milly glared at her "between you and me, I think you're a cocky bitch"

"Ow!" Roxy muttered clearly surprised.

Abbie chuckled and looked away.

"Her name is Celia, she said a man approached her Granny on their way to the church around here since they were sent out of the former one they lived in . The man offered to give Celia a good home and a future if only her Granny would give Peggy a message then offer herself back to God"

"That's kill herself" Milly muttered.

"Oh my God" Abbie said.

"We could find something out from Celia can't we? How he looks or something. Its broad day light, she must have seen something" Milly said.

Roxy shrugged his shoulder hopelessly "she can't tell us anything. He was on a cowboy hat, he had a superman bandana over his mouth and he wore sunglasses. We are in a dead lane again!"

"This is driving me crazy" Abbie said grabbing her hair.

"He is just messing with our heads" Sidney chimed in "he doesn't want to kill her yet, he is playing games on us!"

"What, how were you able to find Celia?"
Milly asked.

"She passed out after drinking an apple juice he offered her. She woke up sleeping in the park, she had run to report to a policeman before we got informed of the situation here"

"The girl said the man threatened to kill the woman if she didn't comply" Sidney added "I think she decided to die for something than dying for nothing"

Abbie gripped the armrest so tight her fingernails threatened to break "so we are on a dead end now, we are still afraid of the unknown"

Roxy nodded "you should both be. This is no joke, he is really mad"

Milly nodded "Alright, we would be on the lookouts but we will need you two to also try harder to find this fool"

Abbie was about to talk when her phone vibrated. She took it out and read the message. It was from Drake asking her if she was free that he had something to tell her urgently, about who was trying to kill them and then he begged her to trust him this once, that if this was a chance to try to make things right then he would gladly pick it. Then he sent an address, his house address.

Abbie gasped and jumped up immediately.

"What's wrong Abbie?" Milly asked as startled as the other two were.

"I need to be somewhere right now" she said breathlessly.

"Is anything the matter?" Sydney asked standing up And looking her over, trying not to gather unwanted attention.

"I need to see someone, I will give you a call!" She said practically running out of the hospital.

The drive to Drake's place sent hot sweat down her body. What was she even doing? This was a guy that had dumped her, he could kill her!

But what would be his motive? Nothing! That was why she was driving there like a blind squirrel being chased by a snake and she prayed the speed at which she drove wouldn't get any cop on her trail and God being awesome, answered her prayers.

She pulled up in front of Drake's condo. The place that had the same address as the one in her phone.

Looking around, she was marvelled at how big the whole thing was.

Standing outside she knocked but nobody answered. She knocked again but there was no response. Then she dialled him, she heard his phone ringing inside but nobody was picking up. She tried to knock again but this time, the door slowly opened on its own and her heart skipped a bit.

It was at this point she wished she had told Roxy and the rest where she was going to. She looked around, he could easily kill her here and bury her and nobody would notice, there were very people living around by the way.

A labradoodle ran out startling poor Abbie who jumped and screamed.

She pushed the door open and entered. On a normal day she would have loved to admire the whole place but not today.

"Drake!" She called out, but there was no response. "Drake where are you?"

She was about to turn and look around  for his bedroom when she saw a leg sticking out from the bar section.


She went forward slowly, her hand on her chest and her eyes so scared about what it was they were going to see next.

One step...two steps, three, five, seven and she saw him. A cry erupted from her throat.

Lying there in what must have been an immaculate white shirt few minutes ago but now stained in a pool of crimson liquid. His once handsome face stabbed and carved into an ugly shape and shards of glass dug round his face was her once upon a time lover Drake.



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