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The day was going as usual for her. Well, correction the usual since Jeanie died. Earlier, she had called David. Poor David and he sounded sober. She had spent a few minutes with him on call before he said he had to go.

She had offered to come take the baby during the weekend to babysit but he had quickly objected. Well, who would agree? She didn't blame him for trying to protect the one thing he had left.

Taking out her phone, she scrolled through and smiled when a message popped up on her screen. It was from Cooper.

Hey, you good?

Yea, just bored. You?

pretty bored too, wanna hang out?

A smile appeared on Abbie's face as she replied "Yea, I'm in my house" she texted immediately.

"May I come over?" Came the next message with a love emoji sign.

She immediately replied with her home address. Looking around, she knew everything was in order. She was an impeccably neat woman.

One cup of orange juice later, Copper was on the door.

"You've got a nice place" Cooper said looking around. He was wearing a black tee-shirt and blue pants. On his legs he wore white and blue Balenciaga boots.

"Thanks" Abbie smiled. Cooper looked her over and returned the smile.

It was difficult for Abbie not to notice the wave of current that passed through her as his eyes caught hers, then scrutinized her over and over again.

"Will you sit down or do you want to reserve it till when you're done staring?" She joked.

He tucked his hands into his pockets "Well, I think I will sit down now" he said taking a seat "since obviously that can't stop me from staring."

Abbie took the seat opposite him "what are you staring at?" She asked handing him a glass filled with yellow liquid.

"At you" he said "you look boring, you know with your boring colours. Brown big shirt and a hair warmer, with black pants. Come on Abigail"

Abbie frowned "well you look expensive" she remarked looking him over "you couldn't have gone through all these stress to just come see me, did you?" She asked.

She had just meant it as a joke but deep down she wanted it to be the reason.

She wanted to be the reason this clear show of handsomeness would dress up, she ...

"Actually, you're right" he said sipping on his drink "I was out before you sent me a message" he said and immediately her face fell.

"Oh, really?" She said feigning a smile which she wasn't even sure showed "Where were you? I mean its not my..."

"You look like a high school girl denied her homecoming King." He smiled at her again, turning off her senses for a while "I went to take care of some things downtown. So what of you? Why are you here alone?"

"Reminiscing" she shrugged "I just needed an alone time"

Cooper nodded "How are you doing? I mean your friend's death must have been very difficult to bear"

"I wrote an article about her. It should be on the front page tomorrow, its so sad some people think I want to make money off her death"

"Do you?"

Abbie's eyes nearly shot lasers "don't be ridiculous! Of course not!"

"Good" he said "they are just talks Abbie, its fine  now"

Abbie nodded, then allowed her eyes to travel all over his body. His body was the kind she had hoped her husband would get. Or at least something like Dwayne Johnson.

Their babies would have.. Wait did she just think of babies? What was going in with her head. She was about to remove her gaze from his chest when she caught sight of something.

She leaned closer "is that blood?" She asked.

Cooper immediately jumped back. "No, that's ketchup, thought it washed away"

Abbie shrugged "obviously, it didn't," she frowned and drew back.

Cooper watched her slowly "what's going on? You thought its blood?"

The mention of blood sent chills down her spine. Since her friend died, she had kept away from everyone as everyone was a suspect.

"No, what!" She forced a throaty laugh.

Cooper reached forward and took her hand "we were all there last night. You know it wasn't me, don't you?"

Abbie began to nod, then shook her hand "no, I don't know a single thing Cooper. I'm just scared, everyone is a suspect"

"Right, including you" he pronounced "so calm down until the police gets this bitch and dumps him in a cell forever"

Abbie released her hand and wiped on her eye that threatened to betray a tear "yea, I just realised" she said.

Cooper laughed and released her hand completely "staying alone in places like this can get you killed, its dangerous"

Abbie glanced at him "You sound like a killer"

"If they sound brilliant, then yea I do"

Abbie took up her laptop and was about to punch in her password when the ring of phone interrupted her. She picked up her phone and glanced at him.

",Its Mildred, I have to pick it" she said softly, a glow appearing in her eyes.

Looking at them all, he wondered how friends still stuck together for so long. It got him thinking. Abbie didn't wait to see him nod as approval for her to pick up.

"Hi, I was...." Then she stopped and froze "what? Oh my God!" She dropped the call.

Cooper's eyes lit up with interest "what's wrong? Why do you look like Tom on a hot chase by Jerry" he said.

Abbie immediately dropped her laptop aside and grabbed her keys and headed for the door.

She didn't wait long enough to see him smirking behind her nor did she wait around long enough to hear another of his jokes.

There were just two things in her mind, to get to Peggy as fast as possible. And finally it was obvious that someone wanted them dead.

All of them.

I'm so sorry for the late update. My exams have been so hectic, you all know how that is right?

If you think this chapter is vote worthy, then don't forget to hit the little star. It makes both the chapter and I happy 😀😀.

I honestly have missed your comments too.

Alright Bye, till we meet again..

You can check out DEATH TERRITORY as you wait for update.

I love you all

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