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"Can't you stop eating!" Sidney banged her fist on the table that had Roxy's food. He jumped and some cops around sighed.

"Should I stop eating because some woman died?" He snapped.

She dropped an envelope on the table and pictures poured out. Pictures from Jeanie's death scene. Roxy pushed his food away and pulled the pictures closer.

"I had a talk with all of them" she said "They had some weird things to say, have a look" she dropped the notepad before him.

He took it up and went through it "so Abigail received those weird messages and she didn't call the cops and secondly she still went for that homecoming"

Sidney took a seat "its insane but that was what she did"

"You know if this were some novel or some movie I would wish she was the one who got killed instead"


"Don't yell at me! This was more like a warning, she ignored it and endangered her friends!"

Sidney threw her head in her hand "it has already been done Roxy, we need to find this killer. Peggy said Jeanie saw someone at the memorial service"

"Was it the same person your notebook said Abbie saw during the church service?" He asked.

"There is no way of knowing" she said "we don't know"

Roxy stood up and paced up and down "I want the list of those who attended that party. Everyone!"

Sidney made for her bag and took out a file. From the file, she took out two sheets of papers and dropped it on the table for him. He looked it over and glanced up at her.

"Is this Stan over here not the..."

"Paid hand that got arrested seven years ago, spent two years in jail. He has records of attempted murder which he managed to bribe his way out, hit and run. Got tangled in a drug case three years ago, bagged a year and six months. I don't know how the hell drug business got him a year and six months. And yes, that's the Stan guy"

Roxy ran his hand over his mouth "This doesn't look good."
"You think he was paid to kill Jeanie there?" Sidney asked.

"Anything could have happened partner" he said bending over the book. "Reid?"

"A high school football coach, he is the type that has girls drooling over him. Nothing on him, clear records" she said.

"Hmm" Roxy said tapping his leg as he did whenever he was deeply thinking.

"Oh, and he resigned some years back and went into hiding. Not hiding, he just disappeared and appeared few months to the Homecoming"

Roxy nodded "Any idea where he went to?"

"His school said he was going to meet up with a relation in San Andreas. I checked and it was true, he stayed there till few months ago when he flew back"

Roxy nodded "That's quite suspicious don't you think?"
"I would have said that spending time with family has nothing suspicious in it, but then I am a cop"

He nodded "good. For now, let's not look at the rest of the people in the list. Can you arrange for questioning with these two today?"

Sidney nodded "I think I can, what are you thinking?"

"There is something going on here, I need to talk to these two" he said.

"Oh, yea?"

"No matter what they say, I think something is up here. I don't like the look of things between Reid and Stan. I don't like those two men"

A short detective chapter, how do you see it?

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