Party Time

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The next night, at the Hamato family household, the Hamato siblings were all getting dressed. Today is the day of the party at Starswirl Academy to celebrate the victory of the Friendship Games and they are getting ready to get their.

"Oh boy you guys, can you believe that today is the day of the party?!" Said Mikey in excitement as he puts on his shirt.

"I know right, this is going to be the greatest night ever." Said Raph as he did his hair." I really think of having a chance to surprise Sunset Shimmer with my looks."

"Oh come on Raph, that is the best way to ask Sunset Shimmer to be your girlfriend, I could do better than that." Said Donnie as he puts on his cologne.

"You know guys, I don't understand why you think it's hard to ask one girl to be your girlfriend?" Said Leo as he fixed his hair." I mean really, all you do is be honest to the girl you like and boom she's your girlfriend."

"Oh please Leo, you couldn't even ask Twilight out on a date." Said Raph as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, that's different." Said Leo.

"Whatever." Said Donnie as he rolled his eyes.

Then the boys have already got done getting dressed and they were all amazed at how Rarity made their outfits.

Leo is wearing a white shirt with a blue peace sign on, dark blue leather coat on, black dressed pants on, and blue and white shoes on.

Raph is wearing a red shirt with fire pattern at the middle, black cardigan on, dark blue jeans on, and black laces boots on.

Donnie is wearing a purple button up shirt, a purple tie around his neck, a tan dressed pants on, and purple and white shoes on.

Mikey is wearing a orange shirt with the word "Booyakasha" on it, a dark orange cardigan on, light blue pants on, and orange shoes on. He is also wearing the friendship bracelet that Pinkie Pie made for him.

"Wow, we all look so awesome in these outfits." Said Leo as he smiles.

"Yeah, I really like how Rarity made these clothes in our own style, she really is creative." Said Raph as he smiles.

Then as they got out of their rooms, they saw that their sister Miwa is waiting for them and she is also wearing the outfit that Rarity made for her. She is wearing a dark blue one shoulder dress that has lotus flowers all over the bottom, has cherry blossom earrings on, and dark blue flats on.

"Wow, Miwa you look really pretty in that outfit." Said Mikey as he smiles.

"Thanks little brother, I have to admit, I do look kinda pretty in this outfit." Said Miwa as she smiles.

Then the five siblings have all started to go downstairs where their parents are waiting for them. Then when they saw their children all dressed up, Tang Shen have started to smile.

"Oh my god, my children looks so amazing." Said Tang Shen as she smiles." It just feels like yesterday when you all were just babies."

"Mom, we will always be your children, no matter what happens." Said Leo as he smiles.

"We better get going now, Slash and the others are waiting for us." Said Raph as he smiles.

"Alright my sons, be home before midnight, and don't drink and alcohol." Said Hamato Yoshi.

"Don't worry father, we won't drink any alcohol at the party." Said Miwa as she looks at her father." It's Starswirl Academy not Crystal Prep Academy, I always heard that they drink."

So the Hamato siblings have all started to hug their parents and then they all went outside to where their friends are waiting for them. As they all met them, they see that their friends are also wearing the outfits that Rarity made.

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