When Can I See You Again

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The next afternoon, somewhere near Chinatown, inside a secret hideout that no one ever goes in, the Purple Vipers are inside their hideout doing their usual things. Oliver and Jack were checking out some documents to see if there is any crimes going on, Ophelia and Carrie are watching some television, Thomas and Marcus are both doing some arm wrestling, and Leatherhead was lifting up some weights.

"Man, this is kinda boring, is there any crime fighting going on, cause I like to do some fighting." Said Ophelia as she feels really bored.

"Apparently not Ophelia, Jack and I have check every document we can get." Said Jason as he looks at the document." There isn't any crime fighting going on, and I'm also getting bored."

"Man, this kinda sucks anyway, I mean it's been so long that we put Hun and the other Purple Dragons into jail, and Slash was our leader but I like to get some fighting going on." Said Marcus as he confess." Speaking of which, where is Slash anyway?"

"Slash is in his room thinking about something or someone if you ask me." Said Leatherhead as he smirks a bit.

Meanwhile in Slash's room, he was lifting up some weights without his shirt on, he was trying to workout but starts to sweat a bit, then after he finished, he started to put on his shirt and decided that he wants to go out to get some fresh air. So he started to grab his jacket and starts to go out of his room.

"Hey you guys, I'm going out to get some fresh air, so Leatherhead I'm leaving you in charge." Said Slash as he looks at Leatherhead.

"Oh come on Slash, why does Leatherhead get to be in charge?" Asked Jack looking a bit annoyed.

"Because the last time you were in charge, you actually burn down the kitchen when you were trying to make pizza." Said Slash as he raise an eyebrow.

"Hey, I Said I was sorry, how was I suppose to know how much the temperature should be at least at?" Asked Jack in confusion.

"Check the instructions!" Said the others.

That got Jack to rolled his eyes, then Slash have started to go out, and he have started to walk. As he kept on walking, he have started to remember about the day when he met the Mane 7, and then he started to remember about Fluttershy and he have started to blush as he thinks about her.

'Wow I can't seem to get that girl out of my mind, I mean I know that I met other girls before but Fluttershy is so different.' Thought Leo as he blush.' She is so beautiful than I ever imagined. Her pink hair is so pretty like a cherry blossom, her green eyes sparkle like emeralds, and her lips makes me feel like I want to kiss them.'

Then as Slash have kept on walking, he started to see the park and so he have walk to the park and started to relax a bit. Meanwhile at the other side of the park, Fluttershy was hanging out at the park. You see, she was writing a report about bears and after she finished it, she decided to go out for a walk at the park. But as she walks, she wasn't looking where she was looking and she bump into Slash.

"Oh my god, I'm so very sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Said Slash as he panic a bit.

"Oh no that's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going either." Said Fluttershy as she smiles and she started to look at Slash." Oh, hey there Slash."

"Oh hey Fluttershy, I didn't know you were at the park." Said Slash as he smiles." Wow, you look really pretty in that school uniform you have on."

"Oh why thank Slash, this is my uniform I always wear for school." Said Fluttershy as she smiles.

"I see that you like to walk into the park." Said Slash as he smiles.

"Yeah apparently I was finishing up a report for one of classes and I though I could walk around the park a bit to get some fresh air." Said Fluttershy as she smiles." Say now that we are here at the park, do you mind of I hangout with you for a bit, cause I really wanted to get to know you more, if you don't mind?"

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