Slash's Dark Past

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After his hangout with Fluttershy, Slash have return to his hideout and his friends ask him how was his hangout and he told them that it was great. Then Slash have started to go to his room and lay on his bed.

"Man, Fluttershy is the most beautiful girl I ever met and she is good with animals." Said Slash as he smiles.

Then as Slash puts his hands in the pocket of his jacket, he started to feel something in it. He took it out and it was a picture of Slash and Oliver when they were kids and they were with their mother. He started to smile sadly as he looks at his picture. Then he started to see another picture on the floor and as he pick it up, he started to frown.

The picture that Slash have pick up was a picture of his mother with his father and Slash started to feel angry that he crumble up the picture and threw it away.

"God, I can't believe that I had that picture also." Said Slash as he feels really angry." I hate my dad, he was the worst man ever after what he did to me, Oliver, and mom."

Then as Slash started to sit down at a chair, he started to look outside the window and started to remember the tragic day that his mom, his brother, and himself have to leave after what his father said to his mother.


Slash was around 7 years old, he was wearing a green shirt with a turtle on it, black shorts on, and black shoes on.

Oliver was 6 years old, he was wearing a blue shirt, a black vest, blue shorts, and white sneakers on.

They both look very happy together and they are at the living room with their mother. Their mother has long black hair, black eyes, wears a purple shirt, a pink skirt on, and has black heels on. Her name is Lisa Stone.

"Man mom, this is so relaxing." Said Slash as he smiles at his mom.

"I agree honey, I'm really happy that I have you and Oliver here with me." Said Lisa as she hugs her sons.

"Our lives would be so much better if dad never hits us." Said Oliver as he feels sad." He's always mean to us and he always drinks a lot."

"Mom how long do we have to live with him?" Asked Slash.

But before Lisa could answer his questions, there was a loud slam coming from upstairs and a man came stomping down to the living room. The man has black hair, green eyes, a white undershirt on, a jacket on, loose pants on, white socks, and sandals on. His name is Charlie Stone and his Slash's father.

"Ugh, Lisa, I though I told you to wash the laundry today!" Said Charlie as he slaps Lisa at the face." I cane believe you are so useless!"

"Charlie, I just wash them yesterday!" Said Lisa as she felt like crying."

"And you two, What's is wrong with you, I though I told you to do your chores!" Said Charlie in anger.

Then Charlie started to grab Slash and Oliver's by the necks and threw them at a table which break as they fall at it. And Charlie hit Slash at the eye and he got an black and hit Oliver also and he got a bruise at the cheek.

"CHARLIE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Said Lisa in anger and sadness.

"Shut up women, I'm going out and you better have this place clean by the time I get back, or there will be consequences!" Said Charlie in anger.

Then Charlie push Lisa hard at the floor and he started to leave the house as he slam the door. Then Lisa got up and started to go to her two sons as they groan a bit.

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