Chapter 36

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"C'mon 10k!" I giggled as I ran through the thinning trees. The slow river quickly came into sight. We had no idea where about we were but we didn't care, we were with each other and that's all that mattered. I dropped my bag and weapons before quickly stripping down into my underwear. I knew I was safe, I knew 10k was watching my back. I had a protector, something most people didn't have now a days. 

A few moments later 10k emerged from the trees and chuckled when he saw me waiting patiently by the water in my underwear. A small smirk tugged at his lips as he tossed his bag down next to mine and started to take of his clothes. I turned to the water and started to walked into the running water. It was cold, but I knew how great I would feel after I was clean. I swam out until it was up to my neck when I stood. The water felt good as it washed away all the blood and grime form the past few weeks.

"Jesus, its cold, don't you think?" 10k shivered as he stepped into the water. I must admit the weather was rapidly getting cold but I didn't care at this moment in time, I need to wash away all the blood and guts. "I don't care you stink and need a bath," I laughed and started to wash my hair. "Ha Ha Ha," He laughed dryly before dipping his body under and starting to wash.

We were back on the road an hour later. "I'm guessing we have 4 hours before the sun sets, we can make good ground before then," I said as I mindlessly walked down the open road. 10k and I had started heading South because we knew the others were heading North. "We will fine somewhere for the night babe, don't worry, " He chuckled and raised his gun. He shot once and I heard a thud from in the tree line. I didn't even see a Z but I trusted 10k.

The wind blew slightly and I zipped up my body warmer over my hoodie. "I hope so, I don't think I could deal with sleeping outside in this," I shivered. I felt 10k's arm snake around my waist and pull me to him, making us stop in the middle of the road.

"Awe Jaime, I'll keep you warm," He whispered into my ear, sending warm shivers down my back. I look up into his eyes and smirked, I noticed a small line of freckles up the bridge of his nose, leaning in slowly. "I know you will baby," I said before closing the gap and slamming my lips to his. The wind whipped at a few stray hairs from my ponytail. My hands laced around the back of his neck, pulling our bodies flush. I breathed his sent, I could only describe it as...Home.

The kiss deepened when he slipped his tongue into my mouth, catching me by surprise. I feel a bulge rising against my stomach,he was just that much taller than me. He pulled back slightly and stared deeply into my eyes. "Jaime Bell...I love you," He said quieter than I had ever heard him.

I froze and stared wide eyed at him. A million thoughts flew through my mind but I didn't even have to think about what to say, because deep down I had knew since the first kiss I had loved this boy.

"I love you too Tommy," I whispered and pulled his head back to mine. Our tongues intertwined perfectly. My stomach started to feel all tingly as I soaked up his words. 

A few minutes of bliss later a voice cuts the silence. "You kids need to breath?" A deep southern voice shouted. I quickly pulled away from the kiss and yanked out my pistol. I knew 10k had his gun aimed but I threw I quick slide glance to confirm.

Stood a few feet back was a short, rounded man wearing a plaid shirt and generic jeans. He had a rounded, kind face. In his hands he held a shotgun and by his side was a sheathed machete. 

"Who are you?" 10k spoke out to the man, slightly ajusting his shirt over his crotch inconspicuously. The man let out a low chuckle. "Oh how I wish I could be a kid again," He said. 10k must not have liked the sound of that because he protectively stepped slightly in front of me. "Aghh kid, don't worry I've got a missus of my own back at home, My name is John Davidson" He chuckled again. He seemed to be quite welcoming and a nice guy but looks could be deceiving.

I steadied my aim as I combed through the tree line, looking for others he could be with. "Don't worry sweetheart, my people are waiting back at my truck, told them if I wasn't back in 10 minutes to come running," He said calmly. "But I needn't worry, you two seem like... nice people," He said slower this time.

"What do you want!" I shouted and adjusted my grip on my pistol. The wind had picked up slightly sending a cold shiver down my back. 10k glanced back at me, I sent him a reassuring look. He looked slightly uneasy but ready for anything.

"I'm just out here ,with a few others, looking for survivors and supplies. We're running quite low on clothes and blankets. I'm apart of a small guarded base, fresh vegetables and all. It's a safe place, where you don't need to worry about carrying around a weapon all day, or knowing your surroundings at all times. Where you kids heading anyway?" He questioned and slowly lowered his weapon, expecting us to do the same.

"None of your business and we aren't kids," I sassed him, I spoke because I knew 10k didn't like speaking to strangers and would speak as little as he possibly could unless he felt like I needed protecting. It was adorable honestly. The man chuckled again.

"Hey I get it, don't tell the stranger where your going. Well you sure as hell are a lot younger than me, so therefore you are kids. I was just gonna offer you a safe place to rest up, have some time with each other without worrying about damn Zeds." He said in a suggestive manner. I felt my cheeks tinge red and looked up at 10k. He had a stern look on his face as he focused on the stranger stood before us.

"How do we know if it's safe? How do we know you aren't murderers or bandits?" 10k growled. See, protective. I peeled my eyes off of his handsome features and looked back to the man, waiting for his answer. He looked at the ground before smiling and making direct eye contact with me. "We have woman and children, old men and woman, soldiers and civvies. If we were murderers or bandits it would just be men and the odd woman, if you get me," He smiled innocently and shrugged his shoulders.

He had a good point and I knew 10k was thinking it over. After a long pause with nothing but the wind rustling the trees the break the silence, 10k glanced at me and said to the man, "Give us a minute,".  Without waiting for an answer he grabbed my forearm and guided me away from the man.

"What do you think?" He asked me with wide eyes.
"He came out of nowhere and it could be a bad idea, but think about it, if he is telling the truth. A guarded community where we can be safe, have food, water and shelter. A safe place".
"There's nowhere safe anymore,".
"Maybe not, but what if this it? Our chance at a some what normal life....Together."
"And what if its a trap? What if we go there and they take you and kill m-".

"Tommy! Don't you dare finish that sentence," I hissed and glared at him with a hand on my hip. He looked to the floor before grabbing my hands in his. It was silent for a moment and I looked at the stranger. He was looking up into the sky. "Plus he looks harmless," I said, trying to argue for going to this place. I really could use a place to rest and eat some proper food. I had started loosing weight and I could now see each of my ribs, it wasn't good.

"Fine. We will go check it out but if anything seems suspicious we are leaving, no questions asked." He said roughly, turning back to the man. I knew he wasn't happy about walking into a strange environment. A huge smile spread across my face, I walked back to the where we were previously making out.

Where Tommy told me he loved me for the first time.

Caught In The Crossfire//A 10k StoryWhere stories live. Discover now