Chapter 23

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"Jaime wake up, Addy and Warren are here!" 10k spoke softly from beside the truck as he giggled my arm. He must have gotten up while I was asleep. I knew I hadn't been sleeping long because the sun hasn't moved much. I jumped up and strolled over to them with a heavy heart. I wrapped Addy in a hug and whispered, "I'm so glad you changed your mind,". She pulled away from the hug and looked at me apologetically.

She shook her head, "I'm still staying, I need to talk to Mac in private," She said the last bit louder and Mac came running over hugging her tightly, whispering about how much he loved her. I glanced over at 10k, who was already looking at me, I blushed and looked at Warren who was frowning.

"Addy is staying," I announced sadly as Doc and Murphy gathered around 10k and I. All 3 of them shook their heads and 10k and Doc started to disagree while Murphy continued to stare at me.

Mac was heartbroken. When Addy went back inside he was screaming and shouting for her, Doc and 10k had to hold him back. One of the women stood beside the gate shot at him. "Right, that's our queue to leave! Everybody back in the van!" Warren shouts and we all pile in. We start to drive away with Mac shouting, "No, stop! I can't leave her! Addy!".

He continued shouting until he sprang up, yanking open the door and flinging himself out of the open door. "Mac!" We all shouted. Warren didn't stop the vehicle. She kept driving with a torn look on her face. I sat back in my seat and stared at the roof my eyes wide. I took a few deep breathes before blinking a few times. Today has been terrible.

I opened my eyes slowly. We were currently staying in a house on the corner of a suburban street. 10k was still sleeping soundly, one arm laid sloppily over my stomach. I smiled to myself. Even though he was sleeping, he was still trying to protect and comfort me. I peered at the window to see that it was still slightly dark outside. That meant it was very early morning time.

I wrapped my hand delicately around 10k's strong arm and moved it off of me and onto the bed beside him. He stirred a little but quickly settled again. I quickly planted a small kiss on his head and grabbed my weapons. I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hand and staggered through the doorway, quietly closing the door behind me. I straightened up a little and stepped down the stairs lightly. I reached the bottom and Doc jumped from behind the wall with his crowbar raised high. He stopped himself and placed a hand to his chest. "Jeez, Jaime! I could've killed you," He whisper shouted.

"Doc, why would a Z be coming from upstairs, where we already cleared and all of us are sleeping?" I giggled and patted his shoulder, walking past and standing by the large front window. I could see the whole front garden and a wide section of the street, which was thankfully empty.

"You can go get some rest Doc, I'll keep watch till everyone else is up," I smiled and he shook his head. He pointed upstairs. "No Jaime, go back upstairs and get your rest, I told Warren I got watch and I don't wanna risk you getting hurt. There's been some quiet Z's stumbling around," He sighed rubbing his tired face. I shook my head in return and smiled."I insist I'm not even sleepy. But I promise if I get tired, I will grab you and nothing will happen to me,".

It took a little more persuading but Doc finally gave up and went to bed. I sat by the window and watched the street. The night was quiet and still and the stars glistened in the dark sky. Without artificial lighting or pollution, there was nothing to block out the moon or the stars. It was gorgeous. I stared at the sky until movement in the bottom corner of my eyes snapped my head away from the picture-perfect scene.

The hedge at the bottom of the garden was rustling. I gripped the handle of my machete and stepped towards the front door. The mechanism clicked softly in the silence. There was no wind, not even a breeze. The hedge was still rustling, I now knew it wasn't the wind blowing it. The hedge was too small for a Z to be hiding in. "I swear if it's a fucking baby Z," I muttered to myself as I walked towards the hedge. I pulled the sleeves of my jumper down, considering there was no wind, it was chilly out here.

The hedge was almost right in front of me now, the hedge stopped moving when I was about 3 steps away. I notice a small round object shining silver in the moonlight. My first thought was that it was a weapon and I instinctively stepped back. "I'm warning you, I am armed and I'm not afraid to kill you!" I stated, trying to sound confident. I really wasn't okay with killing a living human but they didn't know that.

There was no reply. "Come out now with your hands raised!" I said a little more loudly. I sighed and kicked at the hedge. I know, not the smartest thing to do but oh well. "Meow!" A cat screeched and ran off into the dark night. I jumped back and breathed in sharply. "Holy shit!" I cursed. I stepped back towards the hedge and crouched down. I picked up the shiny object. "A fucking penny!" I sighed and threw it away before turning back to the house.

Caught In The Crossfire//A 10k StoryWhere stories live. Discover now