What Is Love

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Picture of Kaiyah on the side------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

My name is Kaiyah Maran but most people call me Kai. Since I was a little girl people have been telling me that I should be a model or stating how pretty I was. I spent my youth competing in model pagents and trying to score that one big modeling contract but things never took off like I thought that they would. As it would have happened my little sister Olivia would be the one to get all the fame, but that was years later. Anyways as I was saying I spent a lot of my younger days jus trying to make it famous and when that didn't work out it was a bit hard for me to fit in with regular people. I had been on the road all over the United States and Canada that I hadn't really been to down for school or making friends. So my parents decided that it would be a good idea if I went to regular school and try to make friends.

The first day of 9th grade was hard for me and no one wanted to talk to me. Eventually I would make friends but I could tell that most people didn't want to fuck with me because they were just immauture. Luckily some of the older students saw that I could be fun and this one girl named Rosa took a strong interest into me. We instantly became close friends and we would spend all of our weekends going to various parties in Toronto.  Rosa knew a lot of the local promoters and for some reason we always got the chance to go to all these crazy parties and hear amazing artist. I remember the first time that we went to see a show she was so faded and I was so scared that someone was going to realize that I wasn't 18 and kick us out. We went to this small bar that looked a little seedy and sat in a back booth. I had ordered some food hoping that it would calm her down but it didn't. Anyways we came in during a rainstorm and there were like 20 people in the place waiting for somoe to come on the stage. Suddenly this dude in all black walks on stage and you can't even see his face. I was a bit interested in seeing what this dude was about but Rosa started to get really loud and I could see that the owner was coming our way. We stayed for about 10 more minutes but the dude had walked off of stage for some reason. As we were heading out I saw him walk back on stage but for quick nano second he looked my way, winked and then walked back on stage. I thought that I would never see this dude again, but who knew that one wink would have such a huge impact on my life. Who knew that the one stare-down would transsform my life and to thi day I still can't decide if it's a good or bad thing. 

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