Artemis squeezes my body in a loving way.

"He killed Blade's parents and I was set free, unharmed. Blade and Carla were told different, and they know nothing of the truth."

"Oh God Athena." Artemis murmurs.

"They were hurt, emotionally. But they don't know it." I whisper letting the tears fall freely, "And it was my fault."

Artemis pulls away slightly grabbing my chin firmly, forcing my tear filled eyes to look up at him. "Don't blame yourself for someone else's decisions. If we did that, we would never be happy."

I blink the tears away and nod my head, giving him a tentative smile. "Thank you." I wipe my eyes dry, laughing slightly, "God I probably look like a mess."

"Not true," Artemis says returning my smile, "You're still as beautiful as ever." His blue eyes glance down at my lips. "Where were we before Blade interrupted earlier?" He muttered, seeming to lean closer to me.

"Right about here." I answer breathlessly also leaning in.

At the moment time seems to stop. I can feel Artemis lightly press his lips against mine, as he cups my face with his hands once again.


I yank away and leap off the bed, shaking my head back and forth. "No."

Artemis slowly stands up with a slightly hurt face.
"Athena, did I do something wrong?"

"N-no. Just," I start backing away towards my door. "Stay away from me. It's for your own good, Artemis." I turn around and run out my door and down the hallway and out of the house.

I'm not going to let him get hurt because of me.

I run down the block, thankful that I changed out of my previous outfit into a pair of black shorts and blue T-shirt. I reach the end of the block panting slightly. I drop my face in my hands.

Why did I let him do that? Why?! I don't want him to get hurt.

I hesitantly take my phone out of my pocket and check the time: 2:34 a.m. Is it really that late?


I whip my head around to face Artemis. "Please, Artemis." I plead, "I'll let you go home, where you're safer."

"I'm not exactly safe wherever I go." He says taking a cautious step forward, and I take one back.  "It seems I always have an enemy waiting for me wherever I go."

Artemis sighs, "Athena, I really like you. Please-"

"No, absolutely not. I swore I would never fall in love."

Even though that oath went down the drain the day I met you. I add on in my head.

"But what if someone loves you, Athena?" Artemis questions softly, taking a step forward so only a foot keeps us apart. "I'm not saying I do, I just know I feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I talk to you. Every time I look at you I'm at loss for words. For once in my life I was nervous to talk to a girl, I actually cared about what she thought about me, how I looked in her eyes. I wanted to impress you in a way. But every time I try the tables get turned and I'm impressed by you and your ways." He takes a another a step and hesitantly grabs my hands with his own. "I like you Athena Murray, and with the way you act, I'm highly positive that you replicate my feelings." He gives a small smirk.

"Artemis...I..." Something over his shoulder catches my attention. A car had just parked in front of my house. I'd recognize that vehicle anywhere: Lewis.

I gently push Artemis away and narrow my eyes at the sleek, black car.

"Athena? Are you alright?" Artemis gives me a confused look before he follows my gaze. "Why is there someone parked in front of your home this early in the day?"

"Not just anyone, Lewis." I reply coldly, not tearing my eyes away.

"But he's supposed to be out of town."

"Apparently he decided to come home earlier than expected." I grip Artemis' hand and tug him behind a bush beside us. "Listen to me Artemis."

He gives me a worried look. He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "Run. Get away from here. Don't look behind no matter what you hear." I push him away from me, "Go now, before Lewis sees you."

"I'm not leaving you."

"Yes you are, Artemis. I'll handle Lewis."

He sighs, "I'm not going to win this battle am I? Just let me do one thing."

"Fine, but make it fas-"

He cuts me off by pressing his lips firmly against mine. He places his hand on the back of my neck, almost as if he expected me to run away like last time. Before I get the chance to kiss back he pulls away. "Don't die on me." He gives me one last peck then runs off.

I stand in shock for a few seconds then shake myself out of it.

"Don't die on me." For once, I'm going to follow someone's instructions.

Goddess of Wisdom (Artemis Fowl Fanfic) CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now