#28 .

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Jimin and Yoongi had a hell lot of explaining to do once the problem had been neutralised and they were called to the meeting room for some clarification and questioning.

"despite having my legs in a cast and Im sitting on a wheelchair, I can tell that Jimin needs some Xanny"

"Kim Taehyung, will you please stop talking as if Im not here?" Jimin asked.

The male was in no condition for a peaceful meeting. All he wanted was to sleep for 12 hours, not getting side-eyes from Taehyung who only knows how to view a situation from one's line of prespective.

"Jungkook got kidnapped kid" Yoongi snapped, luckily for Jimin's defense. "let's drop the fact that Jenevie got another bruise for her a collection and now can we talk about how the child of our group is missing?"

"last thing you guys saw?" Namjoon asked. He had his precious glasses on, fingers fumbling against the keyboard.

"killer clark was with another hulk, this time blue coloured" Jimin muttered. He then snapped his fingers, "the hulk was the one holding Jungkook and also he had this weird donut jewelery th-"

"the cursed pendant of Noir" a voice corrected him.

"you're supposed to be asleep Jen..." Jimin trailed off nervously as his eyes dropped to the obvious throbbing bruise he crafted on Jenevie's cheek. Jimin smiled sheepishly and poked his cheek with his fingers. "I-uhm... Im sor-"

"I've been through worse Jimin, now cut that sh.t off!" Jenevie retorded, taking an empty seat and sat as if nothing was wrong. Truth to be told, everything felt wrong. "that pendant that the mime-"

"his name was killer clark"

"I said what I said Tae" Jenevie snapped. "That pendant was called 'the cursed pendant of Noir' and it originated from Kruptosia, a Hades territory. How I know that? that's another story to be told someday, but I just had an acquaintance from that place. That pendant has the power to control over someone's mind when spoken into that pendant itself.

"the wrong man gets it, the power power it will hold. Im not joking when I say he could even control the whole globe with that cursed object"

"alright that's it, we need to get it back" Jimin announced. His hand out-streched and reaching for his tridant which swung onto him.

Yoongi grimaced at the sharp whistle of the air, eyes narrowed at the hydrokinetic man but said nothing of it. "but don't you think we should have some rest?"

"precisely accurate!" Namjoon shot out from his seat, a sarcastic smile on his face. He looked much worn out than before and it wasn't amplified by the panda eyebags. "tomorrow morning, I might send m-"

"I tracked Jungkook already hyung" Taehyung interrupted. He turned the tablet he was holding so it would face his older cousin. "The shirt he was wearing was the christmast gift you gave me...."

"how dare you give that gift to him?"

"he was wearing so many spongebob clothing hyung!" Taehyunh defended himself. At the end of his sentence, he could hear Jimin muffling his laughter. "you know how much I hate neon clothing and even more, I had too much clothes and I knew I could help him with that. Besides, you don't think I know you placed a tracking chip at the collar?"

Namjoon had the grim face of a disciplined teacher but his cheeks betrayed him from the red flush that appeared immediatly.

"young boy, do you not remember the police calls I had to make when you ran away?"

"I did not run away! there was a chihuahua chasing me!!"

"can we discuss that next time?" Yoongi intefered. "we're talking about the end of the world, hello! endgame, gameover, boom no more lives to make because this is not candy crush and we do not trade lives for a piece of candy!"

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