#10 .

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Hoseok let out a grunt in annoyance. Yoongi was a few paces away from him and had a clear intent on ignoring the metalic boy who pestered him more about unusual stuff.

"go get me a coffee or anything, just don't bother me" Yoongi quoted.

Ever since Yoongi wore that shirt, Hoseok couldn't stop the urge to ask him that question.

"stop ignoring me I just wanted to talk for awhile, what is wrong with you and this thing? it's just a question man chill out"

Yoongi huffed and stopped in his tracks, now facing the panting Hoseok with a tired look in his eyes. "really? Im seriously in no mood to talk nor answer your question if I am a queen fan"

Yoongi continued once again. "I thought wearing one was enough to show you that!"

Yoongi didn't realize how his words had affected Hoseok, until he stepped away from him and he heard a sniffle.

"uh oh"

Hoseok's eyes were teary. "man, the only person I could connect with in here is you, my theraphist has a day off and I don't feel too well"

Guilt painfully clenched around his heart. The only way he could ask for forgiveness would be agreeing to what Hoseok told him. Besides, Yoongi had nothing to do in the facility since they had a day off for themselves.

"alright where do you want to go?"


The site Hoseok chose was a new change, in a way it did made Yoongi more scared of his surroundings. They were both in luck to not wearing their official suits, or all hell breaks loose.

Yoongi twitched and twiddled with his thumbs as he tried to reason with Hoseok to get the hell out of this place.

"this is a bad bad thing Hoseok if Namjoon finds out we are so gonna be his next steak!" Yoongi hissed. "starbucks? really? we could've went to the cafeteria lounge in Kim Facility,plus we don't need to p-"

"I asked for their permission Yoongs, I came here to talk about my problems" Hoseok explained. "I never told anyone what happened, nobody is interested to listen to my story anyway so why bother, you can't even pay me a second to actua-"

"listen Hoseok" Yoongi called out and went far to grip the boy's shoulders with his heating hands. "I was in a foul mood earlier, Im surrounded by strangers and I don't want to talk to any of them but I made an exception for you. Now talk"

"Alright" Hoseok answered. Sighing softly, he then closed his eyes.

Yoongi's anger multiplied at the silence. He had asked Hoseok to talk but the bastard didn't even open his mo-

Then he felt it. A dull rumble under the ground. At first Yoongi thought it was his imagination. That was until the drink he brought almost fell over from the edge of the table.

Hushed voices echoed as everyone in the coffee shop stood up, some hovering their devices in mid-air as they tried to record what was going on.

Yoongi craned his neck back from his surroundings and to Hoseok who sat calmly at his seat, eyes closed and something invisible wavered around his form like a barrier. It would've been impossible to be seen if it weren't for the rays of the sun to hit his form.

"no way" Yoongi breathed out. The ground began to shake vigorously, this time people outside the shop were screaming.

Yoongi stood up to break whatever trance Hoseok was in to alert what was goin on, Until he touched Hoseok's arm that sat on the table daintly crossed.

It was a numbing feeling but it was a repelling force. When similar ends of a north-north metal collides they repeled.

That was what happened to Yoongi. Except of a gentle shove, he was knocked to an empty site of fallen chairs and tables. The force knocked his breath away but it did wonders in waking up Hoseok.

Hoseok glowed under the light, the inivisible barrier Yoongi had seen previously had dissapeared but from the look of horror in Hoseok's face, he had a lot on his plate to explain.

Hoseok rushed over to Yoongi, heaving his arm to sling it across his shoulder.

Yoongi leaned to the boy in a whisper. "was that you?"

Hoseok's face was grim, the look in his eyes screamed a solid yes .

Author's note :

such a short chappie but this gives me a hint on what Hoseok really is.

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