#23 .

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Seokjin's head snapped to the side as a set of 3 careful knocks were heard. His door was partially made of tinted windows so he could see Jungkook and Hoseok in the front, smudging the clean window with their face.

"come in!" Seokjin grimaced at the raspiness of his throat. "oh damn how long was I dead?"

"goodmorning hyung!!" Jungkook shouted and turned to his side where there were more voices.

"don't tell me what to do with my mornings" Seokjin grumbled. Everything had kept him at the tip of the iceberg. Even the slightest noise, now that Jungkook had brought a parade with him, he might get irritated easilly.

"alright, morning Seokjin" Hoseok whispered, laughing and helping Yoongi drag a long tray filled with food.

"you were out for.... a week and a half" Namjoon informed him. He held out a different plastic bag. "Haneun made these hydrating water, vitamins and many more"

"Thanks Joon" Seokjin was relieved at his thoughtful friend. "did you get any hamburgers?"

"Doubled the order" Namjoon shrugged. "It's not like Barton is checking our weight"

Seokjin clutched his head as a familiar scene played out in his mind. He must be imagining things right now but all he smelt was blood.

"oh god" He moaned to himself. "is there any painkillers her- oh geez" .Infact there were painkillers, all labeled and written following his scheldue. Haneun really out-did herself with this one.

Seokjin gluped down the salty tablets, slightly thanking Haneun mentally for not giving him the bitter ones. His stomach ached but he managed to ignore the feeling. He somehow got used to it.

The first time he woke up, he immediatly tore open his hospital clothing, and also threw an excited portal to a frightened doctor who thought it was explosive and sprayed an entire can of fire extinguisher at it.

He did asked the doctor for forgiveness but ever since that day, he received a different doctor and from to time, he would reminiscent about that day and laugh to himself.

"What happened to that doctor?" It was as if Namjoon had read his mind.

Seokjin cackled loudly, clutching his stomach as pain seared through his strecthed abdomen. "wait that hurts! um, I may have thrown a tiny portal at him? he got terrified like 'oh my god i dont know what to dooo' but he did emptied a whole canister of fire extinguisher to make my portal dissapear. Did nothing to it but atleast I made it dissapear. it ended up burning his coat"

"hyung" Namjoon called out.

Seokjin, busy munching down his hamburger only hummed at him to continue.

"are you feeling alright?"

"I just got my stomach operated Joon, it still hurts but other than that I am fine" Seokjin assured him with a cheesy smudged grin. "speaking of fine where is Jenevie? is she awake?"

"yep, she was the one who watched over you before you woke up"

"hmmph, sounds like my fairy god mother"

"and also another thing"

"which is?" Seokjin asked, riverting his eyes away from Namjoon to reach over for some napkin. Though he was a big boy, he still can't reach for the napkins at the edge of his bed. So he created a tiny two-way portal which dissolved the napkin and reappered on his other portal.

"we need to review the red folder together" Namjoon stated. He sounded so..... flustered as he said that.

"hold on, what's with this shy sh.it tone?" Seokjin demanded. His eyes were narrowed as he peered at Namjoon's eyes with precision.

"u-umm, we may have exposed our location to the terorist troops" Namjoon confessed, his voice hushed as his flickered back and forth in fright.

Seokjin had never seen the confident man grow so scared of someone else.

"where's your brave side Joon? why are you hiding this?"

"I thought they weren't going to be ready!!" Man... Namjoon's shout had attracted everyone's attention to him.

He twirled around to stare back at his team's sight. Im doomed

"exactly who? is not ready?" It was Jenevie who spoke out.

She stood at the open doorway, eyes flaming with furious rage as she challenged Namjoon with her scalding gaze.

"Im not gonna ask for the second time Namjoon, just tell us what is going on"

"fine, fxck this sh.it, I've had enough of this in one day!!" Namjoon had snapped. Losing control to his anger issues as he opened his coat to reveal the red folder glimmering for everyone's eyes to catch. "I've hid this for so long, it's been a week since we invaded their place and now, it has been four days since they had warned us"

"and who exactly is they ?"

"the terrorist group" Namjoon told them with a look of guilt. There was a reason why he didn't want to tell them so suddenly. First, he kept forgetting it.

Second, he had too much on his plate.

Third, he wanted everyone to heal properly and be able to fight with their emotions kept in check.

"they wanted the folder back" Namjoon shook the folder on his hand. "because apparently, they don't want anyone outside this place to know what they were doing"

"let's just give it back to them so we don't have to fight" Jungkook offered his naive advice. "im tired of constantly feeling like im not safe hyung"

Namjoon gluped. Thinking back his rash choices to himself.

"I have a confession to make actually"

This time, a male with his eyes glowing blue spoke out. Jimin . and whenever his eyes glowed, it means he is serious.

"Me and Jenevie actually read the book"

Jenevie glared daggers at Jimin who stood unaffected by Namjoon's even gaze.

"why would you do that Jimin?"

"is there a reason why you are exposing us like that Jimin?" Jenevie hissed. Her eyes were now red as she tugged on Jimin's shirt. "stop being the bad guy"

"Im not the bad guy" Jimin swatted her hand away and nodded his head to Namjoon's direction. "he is"

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